A little insight into my character-building...
I've got another new character lined up in the queue.
I was out walking yesterday, and a couple of wild turkeys ran across the road in front of me. For no reason that I can fathom, the name "Hissee Fitz" popped into my head. As I continued my walk, I thought about how strange it would be to live in a place where nobody needed glasses (I've been nearsighted all my life), and I realized that it just didn't make sense.
So... Hissee Fitz, Breton "Mystic Blade." She's nearsighted, so she can't see clearly enough at a distance to use a bow or targeted spell. Her birthsign is the Atronach. Her only magical Major is Mysticism.
I used the console to remove her "flare" spell, and I also reduced her Illusion and Conjuration to 5. To balance, I've raised her Light Armor skill to 15, and gave her the basic Apprentice telekinesis spell (she'll need some way of knocking down those Welkynd Stones, and Telekinesis and Detect Life seem to me a reasonable way that a nearsighted person might compensate, by using "mind power" to see at a distance.)
Hissee won't be starting right away. I need to know a bit more about her story before she gets launched. I doubt that she'll be "ordinary," though, since she has purple hair!