I'm very excited for that escape-from-prison intro. i have a feeling beth will make it epic.I want to be in solitary, maybe a small one-room prison out on a forested mountain, bars on the windows and no glass in them, exposed to the elements, snow blowing into the room. Two soon-to-be-dead guards speaking to each other outside. Somehow, i figure out a way outside and kill the poor guards. I check the table they were sitting at for a note from his chief. it will read something like 'be careful strange rumblings have been reported in the region.' maybe it will refer to the prisoner and hint at some of my special (dragonborn) abilities. Before i can finish reading the note, a dragon appears over the ridge......
ahhh im excited haha. anyone have any thoughts on how the game will begin? (ps i am relatively new so apologies if this topic has been discussed ad nauseum)