How is your character going to be?

Post » Tue Mar 29, 2011 11:49 pm

Before I start, I'll just let you all know that I don't do the whole roleplaying thing, I just play the game..

1. What is their name going to be?

2. What is their race going to be?
Argonian if they look good. Nord if not.

3. What are they focusing on? (health , magic , stamina)
Health and stamina

4. What guilds are you going to join?
All of them I possibly can...

5. What skil type are you doing? (combat , magic , theif , assassin , mixture)
Pure combat, maybe a tiny hint of magic

6. Bad or good character?
Neutral. If somebody has cool armor and doesn't effect the story/economy, they're dead.
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Hella Beast
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 2:05 am

1. What is their name going to be?

2. What is their race going to be?

3. What are they focusing on? (health , magic , stamina)
Most likely stamina and a little magic.

4. What guilds are you going to join?
Assassins, some others for guild affiliation benefits.

5. What skill type are you doing? (combat , magic , thief , assassin , mixture)
Stealthy magical assassin (nightblade)

6. Bad or good character?
There is no good or evil, only the unskilled and the living.

7. Write a story about your character
You wont see her arrive, you wont see her leave, but something will die when she passes.
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Andrew Perry
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 7:59 am

i'll be making 2 characters. first playthrough will be vanilla, second with mods

1st playthrough:

1. What is their name going to be?
koda (male)

2. What is their race going to be?

3. What are they focusing on? (health , magic , stamina)
health and strength

4. What guilds are you going to join?
fighter's guild

5. What skil type are you doing? (combat , magic , theif , assassin , mixture)
bashing the [censored] out of things

6. Bad or good character?

7. Write a story about your character
awesome Schwarzenegger bodied dude bashes [censored] with a hammer.

second playthrough:

1. What is their name going to be?
ksora (female)

2. What is their race going to be?
some modded fantasy race

3. What are they focusing on? (health , magic , stamina)
stealth, bowmanship and stealing

4. What guilds are you going to join?
thieves guild, marksman guild(if they make one :D) dark brotherhood

5. What skil type are you doing? (combat , magic , theif , assassin , mixture)
mix between assassin/ranger/thief

6. Bad or good character?

7. Write a story about your character
robin hood type character likes shooting stuff in the face with a bow and arrow.
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emma sweeney
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 12:18 am

1. What is their name going to be?
Armelle Dranius

2. What is their race going to be?
Breton (Female)

3. What are they focusing on? (health , magic , stamina)

4. What guilds are you going to join?
Magic related

5. What skill type are you doing? (combat , magic , theif , assassin , mixture)
Pure mage

6. Bad or good character?
Heart of gold

7. Write a story about your character
Petite and beautiful, but from a poor family. She was arrested for refusing live life as a nobleman's concubine.
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le GraiN
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 3:31 am

1. What is their name going to be?
Narved Chillvein.
2. What is their race going to be?
3. What are they focusing on? (health , magic , stamina)
4. What guilds are you going to join?
Fighter's Guild.Perhaps others, depends what's available.
5. What skil type are you doing? (combat , magic , theif , assassin , mixture)
6. Bad or good character?
Neutral Good ish.
7. Write a story about your character
Narved Chillvein is out to grind faces with his axe and chew ogre teeth. And he's all out of teeth.
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jessica sonny
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 12:27 am

1. What is their name going to be?
2. What is their race going to be?
3. What are they focusing on? (health , magic , stamina)
4. What guilds are you going to join?
5. What skil type are you doing? (combat , magic , theif , assassin , mixture)
6. Bad or good character?
7. Write a story about your character

1. No idea yet
2. Nord
3. I don't know yet because I don't know what stamina's useful for.
4. I don't know yet because I don't know which guilds and factions we will have!
5. All I need are two staffs and Illusion.
6. chaotic neutral
7. misanthropic hermit shaman going on this last journey because it pisses him off nobody does anything about those godawful dragons. people are so useless.
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luis dejesus
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Post » Tue Mar 29, 2011 10:55 pm

So how are your characters going to be?

1. What is their name going to be?
Kvinne (pronounced Keena)

2. What is their race going to be?

3. What are they focusing on? (health , magic , stamina)
Magic...actually a healthy Mage who never runs out of energy.

4. What guilds are you going to join?
Mages, Fighters, any other "good" ones, not Thieves or Assassins

5. What skill type are you doing? (combat , magic , theif , assassin , mixture)
Mixture, combat/magic/stealth w/marksman and she's a healer

6. Bad or good character?
Very good, gooder than good.

7. Write a story about your character
Will have to do this at another time. Any of the above may change. :)

Added: She may have been scheduled for execution in the civil war of Skyrim because she saw something she shouldn't have seen. To get rid of her, she was reported as a traitor who had been part of a government official assassination. With so much turmoil, the wheels of justice stopped turning and she was to be executed without a fair trial.

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Genocidal Cry
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Post » Tue Mar 29, 2011 10:24 pm

How can people already know what they want to play right down to their name and what they will do in-game (despite hardly anything being known about it)?
I need to know more about the game and definetley need to see what all the races look like before i can come up with something like this, even then that may change when i have skyrim playing infront of me and controller in hand.
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Jynx Anthropic
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 6:42 am

1. What is their name going to be?
Visar Valaranggarang (lol I know it's horrible; it's a made-up name by the character himself).

2. What is their race going to be?

3. What are they focusing on? (health , magic , stamina)
Magic and stamina. Without completely neglecting health altogether.

4. What guilds are you going to join?
It depends. As long as it's not quite on friendly terms with the empire and somewhat profit-oriented then that's the one.

5. What skil type are you doing? (combat , magic , theif , assassin , mixture)
A little bit of everything. But mostly: Illusion-based magic (heavy emphasis on crowd-control). And social skills, if there is one.

6. Bad or good character?
He's not exactly happy of himself, that's for sure : ))

7. Write a story about your character
Not done yet, but serves as the basis on his back story(just substitute "european" with "imperial").
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lydia nekongo
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 6:38 am

How can people already know what they want to play right down to their name and what they will do in-game (despite hardly anything being known about it)?
I need to know more about the game and definetley need to see what all the races look like before i can come up with something like this, even then that may change when i have skyrim playing infront of me and controller in hand.

I'm not sure if I will play the character that I made for this thread in Skyrim, I just like making simple character backgrounds.
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Enie van Bied
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