Im at level 64, running around Glowing Sea on Survival. Found 2 legendary armor pieces to replace the Devastator's set in half an hour. I'm guessing loot does scale by level?
Im at level 64, running around Glowing Sea on Survival. Found 2 legendary armor pieces to replace the Devastator's set in half an hour. I'm guessing loot does scale by level?
Don't play it like Diablo to get items. Play it how you're having fun.
Yes. Legendary enemy spawn rates I *BELIVE* are:
Easy - 0.5 or 0.75
Normal - normal rate
Hard - x1.5
Very Hard - x2
Survival - x3
Playing on Hard, about 30 hours in, lvl 18, and I've met at least 10-15 legendary enemies. I see a good deal of * loot at vendors too, so I think it's random.
The enemy says Legendary, then the type. For example, Legendary Raider Psycho, or Legendary Super Mutant Butcher. 40+ hours in the game ..... and so far I have only seen 5 legendary enemies on survival difficulty, some guys told me that by this time they usually see a ton of them on survival difficulty and some said the opposite..........but I am not sure what's going on.....
Could it be a bug or did they adjust the spawn rate? Because now I am really wondering the benefit of playing the game on survival difficulty due to reasons mentioned in my earlier posts, I just wish there was a clear and definitive info about this......
Slapstik83 posted the spawn rate above but now I am wondering about info that was posted (no disrespect intended, I apologies if I appear distrusting) but my experience is saying otherwise....
I am playing the new patch (beta version) on steam.............
EDIT: I want to change the title of the post since I am 40+ hours in, now. Title seems misleading, may be one of the mods can do it for me.......
Yes this is correct. I am at level 25 now and pretty much almost every encounter has a Legendary. Starts off slow and really ramps up when you get in the 20s.
There is a difference in something being difficult and something being silly. I explained the reasons in my previous posts, why I find survival difficulty fantastically unrealistic, if you read my previous post, you would know.
I am not battling a superior AI here, I am only using more bullets and grenades than i need to.........if higher difficulty offered superior AI challenge then I would have gladly welcomed it but I am not a big fan of shooting dumb bullet sponges. Please do not assume if I enjoy the challenge or not because I didn't say anything about it, to me it seems like you are only trying to inflame my reaction.
Anyway, I only want to find out by what degree does Survival difficulty increases legendary spawns and if it really worth it to play the game on Survival for this bonus spawn rate? I wanted to know from those who have tried the game on lower difficulties and the Survival difficulty.
Some people told me its considerably higher and slapstik83 posted its 3 times the normal rate, but in my experience even after 40+ hours in the game I have come across only 5 legendary enemies and that is why I am wondering, what the heck is going on and if they changed the spawn rate in this new patch's beta version? Or if the spawn rate is completely random with only some influence from the difficulty level?
If you go on nexus mods you can alter all of these things, I know it might not be desirable to mod a game you just bought but if it enhances your enjoyment, why not?
I got create your own difficulty and changed survival from 50%/200% player damage given/taken to 200%/200%, I'm pretty sure I saw one that can manipulate legendary spawn rates also. Are you doing much exploration of non-quest areas? I find when I'm just out strolling around through locations is when I find most of them.
A measure of time in a game does cannot account for progress or level gained. Please advise more specific, such as your current level and areas you've been too.
On my main's survivalist difficulty, I'm level 50 and have about 2-3 leg. encounters per packs of 6+ enemies. Less than six enemies, it's usually 1 or none at all.
I'm level 23 and get a legendary on almost every encounter now of more than 3 individuals. Doesn't seem to matter what type they are though.
LOL. I'm playing on normal and have 7 stars on LUCK. I get legendary items maybe 75% of the time when I kill a legendary enemy. If anything, I would think Survival should have less legendary drops and make you save caps so you have to be smart about your caps and buy them.
I thought legendary enemies had 100% chance of dropping the legendary items, but I came across a legendary ghoul earlier today and he just dropped a baseball bat, fusion cells and a teddy bear and no legendary....
It's been about 95% out of the dozen's I've killed. A non-drop happened maybe twice.
I am just about lvl 70 playing on normal difficulty & have tons & tons of legendary stuff 90 % of it I don't use lol. At about lvl 30 or so I started seeing the legendary enemies & the best way of finding them for me was simply going out & exploring
which difficulty are you playing on? ...survival?
I am level 25 at the moment but I do a lot of exploring, so I have been doing a lot of leg work across commonwealth, cleared a lot of locations, founded about 12 settlements.... i have put in about 50 hours in the game but i have come across 8 legendary enemies in all this time (and one of them didn't drop any legendary)...........this spawn rate doesn't seem whole lot different from normal and that is why I am wondering about how difficulty settings affect the legendary spawn rate, and if it actually worth it to play Survival difficulty for the sake of legendary spawn rate bonus, alone?
I have one more question, does Luck stat also affect the legendary spawn rate or drop rate?
I started survivalist at 40, going up from very hard because they game was getting too easy. A majority of my leveling was in the southern parts of the map, where higher level enemies are supposed to be. Whenever I do explore North, the leg. rate does seem a little lower than in the South. Also, my luck is very low - maybe 2.
I think once you find that once good weapon, you wont really care about difficult or leg. spawns because the game altogether will be a pushover. My modded assault rifle carried me a majority of the game.
I'm still on my first playthrough, started late, and use Survival. Since Lvl 25 I met legendary foes quiete often, sometimes too often, yesterday in the Med Location with MacCready I had 4 legendary ghouls. I also met quite a lot legendary supermutants. All dropped crap except a nice laser gun that deals ice damage and can freeze stuff and a combat armor briast with strength and agility. Maybe the drop rate is also connected to your Luck, you perhaps should put more points in it
You should not use Survival only to get more legendary stuff. You should use it if you like at least sometimes the feeling that it's a bad and dangerous country with punishing foes. The damage factor 0,5 for the player makes it tedious but without it some perks and tactics make no sense. Yesterday I installed a mod and brought my damage temporarily to 1 (normal difficulty) and it was really a cakewalk. You can call it more realistic, on the other hand how many bullets are necessary to kill a real supermutant? I don't know. I ususally oneshoot normal raiders, at Lvl 28 now. You know, also in real life there are plenty of shootouts where many hits are necessary to end the fight. Ok, that applies not to rifle bullets to the head.
The only thing I really don't like at Survival is the low damage of melee weapons. There are some situations I cannot solve with melee. With normal damage factor melee is nice.
20 hrs on survival?....
why dont u go ahead and throw in what lvl are??
For me Legendary start appear >Lv 15
I played Normal long enough too so I can confirm Legendary more often in Survival as long as you don't change the difficulty at all.
I face more than 100 Legendaries so far I'm Lv 35, every place have at least 1 Legendary and for a big place Legendary can spawn about 5 or more.