Ok so I am 20 hours in my first Fallout 4 playthrough and I am playing on Survival difficulty because I heard that you get more legendary enemy spawns or legendary drops on Survival difficulty, although I am not sure about the accuracy of this information (it'll be great if anyone can confirm this) and I still haven't come across not even a single legendary opponent or a legendary drop so far.
I did find a vendor who is selling an armor piece with 'star' against its name but that's about it.
So I am wondering if there is actually any benefit of playing the game on survival difficulty, because it does badly breaks my immersion in the game world when I shoot a raider 5 times in the head and he is still standing on his feet with half of his health intact (makes sense for zombies or mutants but not for humans), I mean even fantasy has its limits, even in game world it seems unreal to shoot a human 5 times in the head and he still keeps coming at me with the same vigor, even a machine would suffer massive damage if you shoot it 5 times in its central processing unit.
I am willing to put up with this nonsensical reality of the 'survival' game world if there is a good chance of getting better items, otherwise I would rather play the game on 'Hard' difficulty where things are much more realistic and game fantasy actually makes an intriguing and colourful sense to keep me interested.