I'm thinking that the time you must spend training each skill much lower at low levels compared to higher levels, so your player level will react to this and level faster as well. But, as you get into the higher levels with whichever skills you want to be using, they will take increasing amounts of time to level up, but they will effect your player level more the higher they go. So, you'll gain fewer skill levels per player level at higher levels, but the time it takes to level will be greater than the time it takes a lower levels when your essentially learning the basics so its easier to level skills.
This was just my take on it from the GI article though haha, just a guess.
Yes, that's a good question. :unsure:
Let's see...
You're level one. You got all skills roughly at, say, 8. Levelling any those to 9 will bring you only 2 "points", since your skills are low. But you need only 10 "points" to go to level 2, so it goes fast, any five levelled gives you what you need.
You're at level 30, with skills from 8 to 60. Levelling the lowest skill gives you still 2 "points", levelling the highest, gives you 50 [higher skills counts more toward levelling]. But you need more "points" to go to level 31 - like, 1000, so it takes longer [you do level faster at the beginning].
Note that I know there's no such things as "points" or that these values are completely unrealistic. Just wanted to give an example of how I understood those two facts in brackets to go together.
I did not even think about the player level changing like that. Kinda of like how in games that require XP as you get higher level you fight higher level monsters that give more XP but the amount of XP you need to level also increases. So, you do level faster at lower levels... I guess I just got caught up in skills and didn't think of of the actual parts of "leveling up" What you two say completely fits into what I was thinking. Thanks for helping to clear that up for me :thumbsup: :hugs: