GI Hub Update, UI #2

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:38 pm

Disappointed by today's update, as I always seem to be when GI write about Skyrim rather than Bethesda telling us about it. Could they at least have revealed a few more screenshots of the UI? We now have a grand total of 1 menu screenshot, where before we had... 1 menu screenshot.

The only new pieces of information I could glean from the text aren't encouraging. I'd rather the night sky wasn't affected by my character's increasing abilities (I mean, why?), and GI's laboured descriptions of menu navigation and "favourites" are so console-exclusive that I basically still have no idea how it works.

Well, you are the chosen one. Do you remember the Emperor telling you in Oblivion about how the stars were linked to your destiny? You will change Tamriel. I find this thing about the stars logical from the lore and amazing.
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Pete Schmitzer
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:55 pm

Didn't anyone else notice they only mentioned one of the d-pad button's?

Yup, they must be doing something with those lazy D-pads. Oh the star system just made levelling up alot less boring. oh and they said they are preserving the birth signs, not discarding them.
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Markie Mark
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:49 pm

we all know we will buy this, but there are some red warning flags for me. Its getting a bit un-rpg and more first person shooter.
action adventure.

I don't agree, but I fixed it so your statement would actually make sense.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:01 pm

I am so worried I'm about to throw up right now. What has happened to the map? When you go into the menu and go to the map its not like morrowind/oblivion anymore? Please some explain this to me. What's this looking at he sky crap?
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:12 pm

OK so birthsigns and the preset classes are gone I can cope with this but what of attributes? Ok so we have lots of perks, lovely, but an RPG without attributes is so weird to me. I know people say they'll exist but will be hidden but we don't know that for sure do we. I find it worrying that they haven't mentioned attributes at all. Will the races have different stats? Nords are strong and have a stat to show it, like 50 strength, while Khajits have high speed skill, speed 50 for example. I really hope attributes exist but can't be seen in menu screens or something. How can they make races 'feel different' if they don't have different attributes/stats etc?
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Alexx Peace
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:17 pm

What do you mean ignored? If it had the same button to bring up the menu in the 360 and PS3 version then it will have the same as the computer, not to mention it really doesn't matter on the pc version because I for one rebind it to one of my Naga's 17 buttons. As for the directions, I'm sure you will either use the arrow keys or may even be able to use the mouse to mouse over a directional button and go to that part of the menu.

Why can't I press "M" and get to the map? Why do I have to reach for the Tab button and then press the "down arrow" or have to do the added step of pressing a freaking directional button? That's idiotic. It's the same annoying crap that was wrong with Oblivion's system. And I have to do that every single time I want to check a quest, or my skills, or a piece of equipment? Ridiculous. And we lose hotkeys? The only thing that made Oblivion's UI tolerable... :brokencomputer:

That's enough to get me not to buy the game. DarnifedUI can't fix that.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:25 pm

I am so worried I'm about to throw up right now. What has happened to the map? When you go into the menu and go to the map its not like morrowind/oblivion anymore? Please some explain this to me. What's this looking at he sky crap?

Oh, it's just PR talk. Bottom line: The map is now in 3D and your skill menu looks really shiny.
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Vincent Joe
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:44 am

we all know we will buy this, but there are some red warning flags for me. Its getting a bit un-rpg and more first person shooter.
action adventure.

Even that is a flawed argument. TES has always been an Action RPG, of course it's going to have action in it, I don't see how people think that because they are making the combat more engaging destroys the RPG aspect....
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:29 pm

I'm seriously worried for attributes. If they take them away I'm gonna become like one of those sad fallout-fans that can't accept any new fallout games into the official lore.

They will. But consider this:

Strength = your chosen melee skill for damage, Stamina to affect encumberance
Endurance = Stamina
Intelligence = Magicka
Willpower = Magicka (better mages can resist magic better themselves)
Speed = Athletics
Agility = your chosen weapon skill (including Marksman) for chances to stagger or be staggered etc.
Personality = Speechcraft (we see the "aft" on the left of the screenshot; Mercantile probably mixed into it)
Luck = invisible, same for all characters, but magic effects can alter it
Racial and Starsign attribute bonuses = constant spell effects that boost the appropriate things listed above

IMO once you see this it becomes clear how easy it is to cut attributes without negatively effecting the game. It also illustrates how superfluous attributes were before.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:06 pm

Disappointing to say the least. Article completely ignored the PC UI. I'm hoping that's because they have something more to reveal. Just looking at that screenshot makes me cringe at how annoying it would be for PC. Another clunky, annoying UI that ignores the fact that the PC has these little things called a Mouse and Keyboard.

The article completely ignored presenting ANY new information what so ever. It was almost entirely a copy-paste from the magazine.

Oh, it's just PR talk. Bottom line: The map is now in 3D and your skill menu looks really shiny.

Not really... They said it is what it is. The sky doesn't just appear over your view or something. Your character will actually look into the sky and then the menu will appear. Sure, it IS shiny and nice and all that (and doesn't technically have an effect on the world), but its much more immersive than floating screens or ye olde medieval clipboard.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:57 pm

Attributes never make the game, the immersion and lore does.

Then read a book, because clearly you don't care about the "game" part of the game.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:11 pm

Oh, it's just PR talk. Bottom line: The map is now in 3D and your skill menu looks really shiny.

So looking up at the sky is just in the skill menu?
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:50 pm

I am so worried I'm about to throw up right now. What has happened to the map? When you go into the menu and go to the map its not like morrowind/oblivion anymore? Please some explain this to me. What's this looking at he sky crap?

Because the sky's are marked with numberless sparks, each a sign. Nah it's about perks and skills, you choose a perk a star lights up.
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Mandi Norton
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:29 am

It doesn't look good.
I wonder how we are going to control the menus at our PCs with our mice.
It's too consolistic. :wacko:
But except the way it will be controled,did that article just said that there are only 3 birthsigns ? :o :ermm:
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Rachel Eloise Getoutofmyface
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:58 am

Ok so we have lots of perks, lovely, but an RPG without attributes is so weird to me.

Yep. I could live with that, and with the explanation that it's all manned by perks, but :

How can they make races 'feel different' if they don't have different attributes/stats etc?

Bingo. Making "character creation" news top priority. I love the learn by doing approach, but I want to ponder whether I pick a Khajit or a Nord for other reasons beyond mere aesthetics.
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Farrah Lee
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:37 pm

The article completely ignored presenting ANY new information what so ever. It was almost entirely a copy-paste from the magazine.

It's good for the people outside of America who have the GI magazine (and the others who don't in America) . Just a bummer on the people who do have the magazine
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Lawrence Armijo
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:17 pm

It doesn't look good.
I wonder how we are going to control the menus at our PCs with our mice.
It's too consolistic. :wacko:
But except the way it will be controled,did that article just said that there are only 3 birthsigns ? :o :ermm:

No no no. 3 nebulae, multiple birthsigns within each nebula.
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Mike Plumley
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:33 pm

Attributes never make the game, the immersion and lore does.

While a good story is nice and lore brings flavor to the world if i'm only in it for the story I'll just go read a book or watch a movie instead.

Too me game mechanics are very important in a game, and maybe bethesda has changed it for the better but looking at oblivion i'm not really keeping my hopes that high.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:57 pm

Even that is a flawed argument. TES has always been an Action RPG, of course it's going to have action in it, I don't see how people think that because they are making the combat more engaging destroys the RPG aspect....

It would basically mean they're tearing out the RPG elements and making it purely action adventure. Not saying they are. Just explaining.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:20 am

Because the sky's are marked with numberless sparks, each a sign. Nah it's about perks and skills, you choose a perk a star lights up.

But what if I'm not playing as a strict warrior/mage/thief and I'm leveling up all skills and mixing perks?
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:32 pm

Why can't I press "M" and get to the map? Why do I have to reach for the Tab button and then press the "down arrow" or have to do the added step of pressing a freaking directional button? That's idiotic. It's the same annoying crap that was wrong with Oblivion's system. And I have to do that every single time I want to check a quest, or my skills, or a piece of equipment? Ridiculous. And we lose hotkeys? The only thing that made Oblivion's UI tolerable... :brokencomputer:

That's enough to get me not to buy the game. DarnifedUI can't fix that.

That's a pretty weak reason to not buy a game because you have to press ONE more button. It's just selfish to ask the devs to take time to rewrite the menu system instead of working on a different aspect of the game so you only have to press one button to get to the part of the menu you want instead of two. I never had any issue with the menu on the 360 version or the PC version but now I'm starting to get an idea of why so many people had a problem with the menu, because they are lazy. If two buttons is too much for you to press to get to your map, that's.... I'm just going to stop now before I get into flaming.

But what if I'm not playing as a strict warrior/mage/thief and I'm leveling up all skills and mixing perks?

The nebula/constellation that appears is the one of the skill your currently looking at if you notice on the menu screenshot. So if your on two handed weapon it will probably show the warrior. Also if your leveling up all skills with the new system you probably won't have many perks and your not going to be well off while playing the game, I foresee lots of dying lol. The point of the new system is that you can level any skills you want but trying to level all the skills is going to gimp you.
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sam westover
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:04 pm

Not really... They said it is what it is.

I highly doubt that. This is promotion, not even pseudo-objective journalism.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:47 pm

I am so worried I'm about to throw up right now. What has happened to the map? When you go into the menu and go to the map its not like morrowind/oblivion anymore? Please some explain this to me. What's this looking at he sky crap?
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:35 pm

Well, you are the chosen one. Do you remember the Emperor telling you in Oblivion about how the stars were linked to your destiny? You will change Tamriel. I find this thing about the stars logical from the lore and amazing.

I understand that, but does getting a little bit better at hewing trolls with an axe directly alter the constellations above Tamriel? I'd rather change the stars -- and forge my destiny, for that matter -- by my actions, not through the natural consequences of potentially mundane actions (ie, skill increases). I can see how it could apply in a heroic and dramatic way...

All night the Dovahkiin hammered at the forge, till his mighty arms ached and the moon-silvered blade shone cold as death, and when he lifted his bright eyes to Tamriel's pre-dawn skies he beheld that one star now shone the brighter. [Your Smithing skill increased!]

But I can also think of a dozen more examples that make the level-up-affects-the-stars mechanic seem inappropriate at best, and absurd at worst.

Oh well...
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Petr Jordy Zugar
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:54 pm

I'm seriously worried for attributes. If they take them away I'm gonna become like one of those sad fallout-fans that can't accept any new fallout games into the official lore.

Also if they dumbed down birthsigns to only three....

I'll be right there with you....
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Markie Mark
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