the one thing that bothered me most was
Pressing down in the compass menu pulls the camera perspective backward to reveal a huge topographical map of Skyrim. Here players can zoom around to explore the mountain peaks, valley streams, and snowy tundras that populate the northern lands. Pulling the camera as far away as possible gives you a great respect for the size of the game world. From the map view players can manage quest icons, plan their travel route, or access fast travel.
So this means you can explore the entire world of skyrim in detail with actually exploring it? Instead of thinking "hm, I wonder what's over those mountains. I should hike over there and check it out!" we get to think "I wonder what's over those mountains. Let me take a second to look at my extraordinarily detailed map and see the exact topography!" And before the inevitable "it's option, you don't have to look at the places"; I can ignore fast travel, I can ignore broken aspects of the game, but I cannot ignore the map. I'm sorry if I sound grumpy right now, but half of the reason I still play TES games is for exploration, and this seems to be saying they're essentially removing that from the game (not entirely removing, but you get what I mean).