GI Hub Update, UI #2

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:06 pm

That's a pretty weak reason to not buy a game because you have to press ONE more button.

It's not about pressing "one more button". It's about having to navigate an endless series of clunky UI screens just to find one piece of information. It's about having to find my way to the map screen in order to check on quests. It's about having to navigate through "nebulae" to see all my skills.

In Morrowind all you do is right-click and all the relevant information you could ever need for your character is presented in a single screen. No fuss, no muss. With the exception of the journal which could be accessed by pressing...get ready for it..."J".
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:15 am

But I can also think of a dozen more examples that make the level-up-affects-the-stars mechanic seem inappropriate at best, and absurd at worst.

Oh well...

I doubt that lore wise, you would literally be altering the starscape. That's just silly. I see it more as a personal development - you become closer attuned to your governing constellations as you progress, maybe? Or it's just a game mechanic that isn't meant to be explained. Either way, I reckon it's a little strange that, Dragonborn or not, you as a mortal would be punching holes in the fabric of the universe to a realm of pure magicka.

Also if they dumbed down birthsigns to only three....

I'll be right there with you....

Why do people think they've "dumbed down" the constellations? They're describing them in the exact same way they always have. Here,
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:12 pm

Hey folks.. it isnt exactly the same picture as before.. its ever so slightly larger... we now can see aftas part of the name for the skill to the left and smith is in fact the name to the right.

Also it confirms that yes warrior thief and mage signs are the center of nebulas and 6 skills 3 on each side form around those... so yes 3 skills have to be in 2 skill groups...

As for birthsigns.. I think they and atributes got gobbled up by race itself
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Crystal Clear
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:44 am

So would it be wrong for me to assume that the way you look at the map of skyrim will be similar in respect to viewing Albion in fable 3? Except much better and you can view forests as well as cities? I could do without that stupid magnifying glass btw..

I hope not :sick:
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:42 pm

Btw, consolers, maybe you will throw feces at me, but I don't even know what is D-Pad :twirl:
Don't answer, I can google :mohawk:
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:54 am

No, constellations might show up in the sky, but Nebulae are not. It will be no different than the sky in our world. I was meaning more there won't be nebulae floating in the sky that you will see.
It will be if the constellations only show up once you pick the relevant perks :P
Last time I checked Ursa Major didn't show up only for those who'd become accomplished sword-fighters :P
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El Goose
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:07 am

The user(s) viewing are escalating. The Update is on it's way...
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Kim Kay
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:57 pm

Thread 2. Discuss further.

Apparently, there may only be three birthsigns, which you do not choose, but represent the three skill types: combat, magic, and stealth.

No no no no, stop with this. Stop misleading people... There is absolutely NO reason to believe this. It says there are 3 "nebulae". Generally, when you think of "nebula" do you think of "birthsign"? No, you think of birthsign when you think of "constellation"... There are 3 nebulae and each nebula contains several constellations.
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Dan Stevens
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:30 pm

Oh I wasn't attacking you, I was just saying even if it WAS that, it still wouldn't fit. Sorry if it seemed I was attacking you. I'm just trying to explain to people that because the game is getting a more brutal, engaging combat system doesn't mean it loses it's RPG aspects. I still haven't seen any aspects that are universal to RPGs being removed. RPGs are about being able to create your own character the way you want, something that Skyrim expands on further (from what we've seen) than any other game, perhaps even Daggerfall.

That's because people don't seem to think these things out before they start complaining about them. I still haven't seen a solid argument for why attributes are required for an RPG.

Perks can easily replace ANY "role playing necessities" lost from the cutting of attributes. You ARE the character you make, because, as I've said so many times before, the perks you chose will end up defining how you play and what you can do. If you take a load of mace related perks, even though you have a high one-handed weapons skill, you're going to use maces because every other weapon just doesn't cut the mustard, due to the lack of perks for them. Same for EVERY other skill. They already said its designed so you can't get all the perks, so you're character WILL hit a wall where they can't branch out. If you want to be effective, you MUST use the skills you put perks into and the time to train into. Otherwise you will both level slowly, do very little damage/be less effective, and not be accustomed to the skills.

Its not less different than stacking agility or speed in Morrowind or Oblivion if you were a sneaky character. You couldn't switch on the fly because it took time to switch skills and attributes, and even then you would then be at a detriment due to the lack of skills, equipment, etc related to those attributes and skills you are now using.

So what's the difference? Nothing. Nothing at all.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:12 pm

It's not about pressing "one more button". It's about having to navigate an endless series of clunky UI screens just to find one piece of information. It's about having to find my way to the map screen in order to check on quests. It's about having to navigate through "nebulae" to see all my skills.

In Morrowind all you do is right-click and all the relevant information you could ever need for your character is presented in a single screen. No fuss, no muss. With the exception of the journal which could be accessed by pressing...get ready for it..."J".

This. I miss the ease of use of Morrowind's system. Just one right click and BAM. Everything you need.
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kirsty williams
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:01 pm

This implies it is the actual night sky. At the very least the perk stars will show up 'while interacting in the world'.

I can't see how several stars in the sky suddenly becoming slightly brighter than others is really such a big deal. :dry:
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A Dardzz
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:19 pm

So the skill menu always shows a night sky? And I think I like this favorites thing now. I press up on dpad and it brings me to a favorites screen that's alphabetical? I can go into the inventory and mark anything as a favorite?
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Jennifer Munroe
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:01 pm

Thread 2. Discuss further.

Apparently, there may only be three birthsigns, which you do not choose, but represent the three skill types: combat, magic, and stealth.

Not 3 birth signs.. 3 skill sets. As far as I gathered.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:46 pm

No no no no, stop with this. Stop misleading people... There is absolutely NO reason to believe this. It says there are 3 "nebulae". Generally, when you think of "nebula" do you think of "birthsign"? No, you think of birthsign when you think of "constellation"... There are 3 nebulae and each nebula contains several constellations.

What this bloke said. I posted it a couple of minutes ago, but it got buried. Read That is established and ground-in lore that has been present in all the games so far. That ain't getting thrown out.
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Cody Banks
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:36 pm

No no no no, stop with this. Stop misleading people... There is absolutely NO reason to believe this. It says there are 3 "nebulae". Generally, when you think of "nebula" do you think of "birthsign"? No, you think of birthsign when you think of "constellation"... There are 3 nebulae and each nebula contains several constellations.

Forget it, I'm removing the whole snippet.

If people want to find out about the update, actually go to the update, not the first post.
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Nathan Hunter
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:37 am

anyone got a link?
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Talitha Kukk
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:06 pm

I can't see how several stars in the sky suddenly becoming slightly brighter than others is really such a big deal. :dry:

Small things can mean great things :)

In my opinion, (if this is true at all) it's things like this that makes the game a bit nicer...
It's not important, but it's a nice touch and a great idea I think!
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james kite
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:50 pm

hmm..quite an set of info, I'll keep my council and wait when the dust settles and -solid- information is arrayed :)
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Albert Wesker
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:13 pm

I can't see how several stars in the sky suddenly becoming slightly brighter than others is really such a big deal. :dry:
I suppose for most people the night sky is just something that's there to make it look night-y. Personally I love wandering around at night, and gazing up at the starry sky. Especially in Morrowind and Oblivion. It won't exactly break the game and might not matter to you, that doesn't mean I'm not allowed to be concerned about it if it matters to me.
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carrie roche
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:57 pm

hey Darn are you out there? dont plan on going anywhere in november, were gonna need you.

im a bit disappointed in not being able to hotkey potions or anything that i might make use of in a regular occurrence. i try to avoid opening menus as much as possible in TES games because its basically cheating. if time kept passing by like in stalker then it wouldnt be an issue but since it pauses the game its just cheating simple as that.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:36 pm

It's not about pressing "one more button". It's about having to navigate an endless series of clunky UI screens just to find one piece of information. It's about having to find my way to the map screen in order to check on quests. It's about having to navigate through "nebulae" to see all my skills.

In Morrowind all you do is right-click and all the relevant information you could ever need for your character is presented in a single screen. No fuss, no muss. With the exception of the journal which could be accessed by pressing...get ready for it..."J".

What he said.
Take all the devs currently working on the useless myriad of combat ending moves and create a PC friendly UI IMMEDIATELY!
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:02 pm

No no no no, stop with this. Stop misleading people... There is absolutely NO reason to believe this. It says there are 3 "nebulae". Generally, when you think of "nebula" do you think of "birthsign"? No, you think of birthsign when you think of "constellation"... There are 3 nebulae and each nebula contains several constellations.

Yeah, that's it really its just a nice way of displaying the 3 skill categories, birthsigns are still there "Though Skyrim abandons the class structure in favor of a "you are what you play" philosophy, Bethesda is preserving the player’s ties to star signs."
anyone got a link?
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:34 pm

Meh, not overly exciting. Is Tamriel Rebuilt done yet? :(
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Juan Suarez
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:45 pm

It's not about pressing "one more button". It's about having to navigate an endless series of clunky UI screens just to find one piece of information. It's about having to find my way to the map screen in order to check on quests. It's about having to navigate through "nebulae" to see all my skills.

In Morrowind all you do is right-click and all the relevant information you could ever need for your character is presented in a single screen. No fuss, no muss. With the exception of the journal which could be accessed by pressing...get ready for it..."J".

Actually, the way I saw it was that, if you have less than 10 items favorited, sure, you will be at a disadvantage. But once you get more than 10, that's what hot keys can't do for you. I think it will be far easier to hit a button, scroll up/down, then press the thing I need. That's better than juggling hotkeys.

That isn't so say that they couldn't have both. In fact, they didn't even mention what the other directions did, I believe.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:02 pm

They will. But consider this:

Strength = your chosen melee skill for damage, Stamina to affect encumberance
Endurance = Stamina
Intelligence = Magicka
Willpower = Magicka (better mages can resist magic better themselves)
Speed = Athletics
Agility = your chosen weapon skill (including Marksman) for chances to stagger or be staggered etc.
Personality = Speechcraft (we see the "aft" on the left of the screenshot; Mercantile probably mixed into it)
Luck = invisible, same for all characters, but magic effects can alter it
Racial and Starsign attribute bonuses = constant spell effects that boost the appropriate things listed above

IMO once you see this it becomes clear how easy it is to cut attributes without negatively effecting the game. It also illustrates how superfluous attributes were before.

I like what you're saying there, but I still like a solid representation of how strong, smart, fast, charming, etc... my character is, though. I think that's what will be lost.
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