Oh I wasn't attacking you, I was just saying even if it WAS that, it still wouldn't fit. Sorry if it seemed I was attacking you. I'm just trying to explain to people that because the game is getting a more brutal, engaging combat system doesn't mean it loses it's RPG aspects. I still haven't seen any aspects that are universal to RPGs being removed. RPGs are about being able to create your own character the way you want, something that Skyrim expands on further (from what we've seen) than any other game, perhaps even Daggerfall.
That's because people don't seem to think these things out before they start complaining about them. I still haven't seen a solid argument for why attributes are required for an RPG.
Perks can easily replace ANY "role playing necessities" lost from the cutting of attributes. You ARE the character you make, because, as I've said so many times before, the perks you chose will end up defining how you play and what you can do. If you take a load of mace related perks, even though you have a high one-handed weapons skill, you're going to use maces because every other weapon just doesn't cut the mustard, due to the lack of perks for them. Same for EVERY other skill. They already said its designed so you can't get all the perks, so you're character WILL hit a wall where they can't branch out. If you want to be effective, you MUST use the skills you put perks into and the time to train into. Otherwise you will both level slowly, do very little damage/be less effective, and not be accustomed to the skills.
Its not less different than stacking agility or speed in Morrowind or Oblivion if you were a sneaky character. You couldn't switch on the fly because it took time to switch skills and attributes, and even then you would then be at a detriment due to the lack of skills, equipment, etc related to those attributes and skills you are now using.
So what's the difference? Nothing. Nothing at all.