Why do people want no HUD? This is a frakking game for God's sake! The HUD is what makes a game a game and not an interactive movie. I don't want this to be like Fable III where there is no magika, no health bar, no stamina bar, no nothing. I want this to be like the past Elder Scrolls games where I could tell if I was about to die exactly, I don't want the stupid red crap surrounding the screen. I want to know when I can and when I can't cast spells and when to drink a potion. I want to be able to look at my minimap/compass and know what way I'm facing. I want a HUD, I hope there is an option to turn it on..
Most of what HUD can do can also be immersively done by sounds and visuals.
I think HUD-free isn't meant to make it a movie, but more like "real-life"

There's no HUD when you look around is there? Hehe

Anyway, for low health there can be heartbeat sounds, blurred vision, etc.
Low stamina can cause panting sounds.
Not be able to cast spell: add a sound when magicka is not enough. This was in Oblivion.
Compass... no solution for that
Except for looking at your map