TES Nexus: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=34713
Name: HUD Improved
Version: 1.05
Date: 14/09/2010 19:07:41
Author(s): Forli
"HUD improved" is a simple and configurable mod that change the appearance of the HUD.
It has been created for DarNified UI, so others UI mod are not compatibles.
MIn the future I will make different versions for the most popular UI mods.
This is the DarNified UI version
These are the features:
- Added a charge bar, to show the current charge of your weapon. It only show for enchanted weapons.
- Added the shield and torch icons, to show your current equipped shield and torch.
- Added new HUD elements to show your gold, encumberance and game time, (They can be Pop-ups, always visilble, or auto hide when in combat)
- Autohide your health, magicka, fatigue, durability and charge bars (Indipendently) when at maximum and force show them in combat.
- Autohide the compass: You can hide it when combat and/or when in interior or exterior cells.
- Autohide your weapon and spell icons. They will only show when:
- you draw the weapon/fists
- you equip another weapon
- you change the current spell
- you cast the current spell
- you are in combat
When no one of these condition is met, the icons will hide in 5 seconds.
You can decide to consider both icons as one. They will show/hide together with all the above conditions.
- Durability and Charge bars automatically hide when no weapon is equipped.
- Shield icon, Durability and Charge bars will hide when weapon icon does (No way to change this).
- The aspect of your Durability bar change if your armorer skill is above 75 (Because you can repair your equipment up to 125).
- The 4 icons (weapon, spell, shield and torch) will be positioned automatically, if any of them is hidden.
- You can show all the hidden HUD elements (Only if hidden by this mod) with a single key.
- You can enable/disable/configure every single feature in the file "HUDImproved.ini" and during the game.
NOTE: You will always need to change the DarNfied settings in the page 5.
This mod will never interfere with these settings.
Oblivion Patch (Official 1.2 Patch)
Oblivion Script Extender v19 - http://obse.silverlock.org/
DarNifiedUI - http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=10763
Installation Instructions
Just extract the archive in your "Oblivion\Data" folder.
HUDImproved Readme.txt
For now it's near-impossible to import all the changes to your "hud_main_menu.xml"
In the future I will try to increase XML compatibility
Uninstallation Instructions
Load the game, open your inventory, find and activate the token "+HUDI Settings". The settings menu will apppear: click on "Disable", close the menu, save and exit.
Delete the files and restore the original DarNifiedUI files.
All the features of this mod are configurable.
I suggest you to change all the settings in game, using the HUDI Settings menu.
An item called "+HUDI Settings" will be added to your inventory in the "Misc" section.
Activate it to show the settings menu.
If you want to configure the mod while not in game, open and edit "HUDImproved.ini".
If you change a settings to an invalid values, the mod will use the default value.
After you change the ini, reload it in game using the settings menu.
You don't need to reload the ini if this is your first installation.
There's more at "HUDI Readme.txt"
You can use this mod with only DarNified UI. You can try to use it with other UI mods, but I'll take no responsibility.
If you have edited the DarNified Xml files, try to export all the changes you made to the HUDI Xml files
(I suggest you don't try the opposite way: It's very hard to export all the changes I made to "hud_main_menu.xml" and, again, I'll take no responsibility).
It SHOULD be compatible with DarkUI. (Tell me if not)
There shouldn't be other incompatibilities (The mod works entirely through scripts).
Known Issues
None. Tell me about every bug you found.
Change Log
Fixed the time bug for minutes from 0 to 9.
Fixed a little glitch in the settings menu
Initial Release.
Darn for his mod DarNified UI
kyoma, TheNiceOne and LogicDragon for their help with the scripts
The OBSE team for OBSE
Bethesda for game Oblivion
..... (Tell me if I forgot somebody....)
You have to ask me to redistribuite any part of this mod.