I searched for a thread on this topic, and all that came up is a thread from 2012 that's locked. I've seen a lot of mentions by people of late regarding the removal of the HUD, why you should, and occasionally why you shouldn't. In fact, I was just in a conversation with LOBdawgz on the subject, and I had some things I wanted to say, but I didn't want to hijack that thread... so, hence this thread.
I haven't seen anybody really state my opinion for me anywhere, so here's the deal.
In real life, I've been a hunter. I've hunted everything from ground squirrels to bear. Bow, crossbow, rifle, pistol, and shotgun, I've used them all. What has this to do with the HUD? Well... I keep hearing that removing the HUD is for immersion and realism. I'm all for immersion and realism, but...
The thing is that, in real life, my bow had a sight... a little red dot on an adjustable arm positioned just above the arrow. My rifle had sights, my pistol had sights, and oddly, so does my shotgun (though the sight is actually a flashlight). So I'm wondering if, in the name of realism, I should remove the sights from these weapons before I go hunting in RL? Hmmm...
So then there is the issue of the "Magic HUD that shows hostiles and their positions. While I agree that knowing whether or not a critter in your vicinity is "hostile" is a bit beyond the norm, consider this... When I'm out hunting, I can hear the breath of a creature like a deer, elk, or bear form a fair distance. I can smell deer urine for up to a hundred feet depending on the wind and its direction. I can see scat on the trail, and I can reach down and touch it, and in so doing learn how long it's been there, or conversely, how long ago the animal passed this way. In that manner, I can tell what kind of critter it is, sometimes get a hint of it's general age and health... I can see tracks, giving me a rough impression of size and weight as well as type, and what direction it was going.
Somehow, I just KNOW that there's a predator in those bushes 50 feet off to my right. and I can make a fair guess as to whether it's a cougar, bear, coyote, or bobcat. Actually, I've never been wrong in that case.
In a video game, none of those tells are available. Ever tried smelling a bear in-game? Where is the scat, and where are the tracks? Where is the tiny pool of urine that often partially fills the tracks? How can I re;ace all of those things that tell me in RL where and what I'm facing? I'll tell you, it ls the HUD and what it does is give people who couldn't hunt mice using a mousetrap the opportunity to be hunters, and function as if they had the ability to hunt in real life whether they are hunting bandits or bear...
In other words, it lends realism to the character, believe it or not. Unless somebody would liek to show me why, in real life, I should wear blinders that remove 30 degrees or more of my peripheral vision, earplugs so that I can only hear major sounds, and noseplugs so that I don't smell anything. Oh, and I suppose somehow I must be prevented from examining tracks and scat as well....
I have my HUD dimmed down to barely visible, and I feel that in real life, I would actually have a much better idea of where and what my enemies are than I do in game.