I am trying to add merchants to my town, but somewhere I am going wrong. This is crazy, I have older mods with working merchants, but for some reason when I try to create them now they just will not sell to me.
I have watched 3 video tutorials and followed 2 written tutorials, I cannot figure out where I am going wrong here. I have tried making them for my town, and also creating new test mods with them, but no luck...
I made a test mod with a shop and merchant and have uploaded it as I really need help, I have been trying to find answers for day and my head is whirling. If someone has the time could you please download the mod linked and see where I am going wrong?
Everything I added has 'shez' in it, making it easy to find my added NPCs/cell/factions/containers etc...
To reach the cell ingame just coc 11aaShezCell.
I would really appreciate the help, I am going barmy trying to figure where I am going wrong.