Ulfric will be highking, I raid an imperial camp and the commanders can't be killed. Why? Why on earth can the commanders of an enemy faction that I can't do quests or even interact with be invincible?
I try to kill Mjoll to power up my ebony blade but nope, can't be killed eventhough I already did her quest
Balgruuf has no throne anymore, Did all his quest. Nope can't touch him.
I can't even kill the [censored] steward or maid!
This is ridiculous.
I wish there was a morrowind mode. If its a quest npc then fine make em invulnerable for dragon attacks but its just plain stupid that about half the NPCs just go to their knees for a few seconds, and get back up with full health. Complete [censored]
Radiant story my ass. It hardly replaces anyone because most quest npcs are invulnerable. Alvor died in a dragon attack and their is still no blacksmith in riverrun.