A Human Resources needs to be created. Please read and vote.

Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 2:25 pm

A Human Resources Tool needs to be created to help manage our settlements. This whole system needs to be addressed.

When dealing with settlers and trying to kit them up I'm finding its a big time usage just to organize what equipment I have, and want to use, then to transfer the items to settlers that doesnt work with other armours.

To have 20 settlers in one settlment, and to have 20 settlements. Thats over 400 people. You just cant do it efficently currently. It would take hours and hours to keep their equipment current and updated. Its just not doable. Any leader would delegate this work.

A pre-fab building called " Human Resources Center" or "Community Center". It would be an achievment. Would appoint a current settler to be the new Director/Mayor, what ever title you want to give him. This building would act as a proxy to interact with your people.

Within this building the Dev's enable me to manage my settlement by interacting with "Lockers" and "terminals" in an administrative role in two tiers. The Individual(Storage Lockers) and the Settlement level (terminals).

Use a terminal to interact with the director of the settlement (send alerts to the farmers to plant new crops), (organize a party to raise happiness), (give reports on raider activity), (new arrival notices)...etc. All updates are sent to your pip boy.

Use a locker to interact via proxy with a specific settler. Assign equipment, assign a task.

1) Use Storage Lockers to help organize your settlers equipment and tasks. Each locker would represent an individual so that you can organize their equipment and give a command to have the settler equip the new gear in the locker. Each storage locker is personaly assigned. The locker stores all the information about that settler.

2) Accesing Storage lockers would give you an animation of the person where you can put armour on and off. It will show you what works and what doesnt. An easy visual screen that lets you dress someone. Once completed, set a notice to re-supply at the locker.

3) Storage lockers can also be used to assign work orders/ re-task / re-location orders/ Re-name/ Get hair cuts / etc...

4) The community centre could be upgradeable. Add another wing, a second/third/forth/fifth floor. Have a games room, a kitchen, a liabrary, a brothel, a church, an armory, art gallery, barber shop, etc...

5) The Inventory system could be revampled too. More ability to sort our inventory would be great. Give us 2-3 Custom headers, similiar to "junk/Apparel/Weapons" etc. It gets dificult to find equipment to try and equip your settlers. Be able to tag equipment and move them to these custom headers would be a huge help.

This would be a big patch. but I certainly think it would be worth having.

Developing your Community Centre would enable a central hub where you could build your settlement around. It could be fortified and provide a lock down options.

Re building the Commonwealth takes organization and it doesnt only fall onto one person.

Thanks for your time and comments.


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Claire Mclaughlin
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 6:04 am

"No. I prefer to micro-manage every aspect of every single memeber of all my settlements."

Very subtle.

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Connor Wing
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 1:34 am

I have about 20 Settlements. I have about 50 Settlers at most.

I've been individually tooling up my Settlers with Fiberglass Combat Armour, Combat Rifles/Shotguns, Machetes/Baseball Bats and Blue Light Mining Helmets, so, as far gearing up goes, I disagree. Same with Defence and Construction tbh.

However, checking assigned tasks could use some form of interface, I agree.

Templates wouldn't work either. You don't just get a set, flat piece of land with each Settlement. You need to manually build these things depending on the terrain and the settlement's location within the greater network. Also, you'll need to manually account for AI pathing and spawning routines.

The biggest issues I face are with the construction tilesets and snapping problems, Settler assignments, size limitations for fencing and hostile forces spawn patterns.

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Natalie Harvey
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