Apologies to any Redguard fan's for forgetting them.
The Redguard's have a rather unique style of gods and the whole sword singing jedi-samurai part of their culture, and other then their different skin color and questionable origins, I dont think they got too much that would be weird.. sword singing after all is just another form of manipulating magic just like elven magic and dragon magic, they devised their own method of manipulating magic and called it sword singing which seems to be heavily based on conjuration through shear will power.
Their culture isn't too strange, they don't seem to have any really odd ritualistic behaviors that would make another race raise an eyebrow at. Like I said earlier the sword singers are the only unique thing about them that I can think of at the moment and they are more or less Jedi-Samurai-Rangers who spend years training and then go out wandering the land to slay monsters, bandits and sometimes eachother for fame and glory much like Samurai, with the PR of the Jedi and the life style of Tolkien Rangers...