A death involving a scrib.
I've done that. From full health. Blasted paralysis.
My most humiliating deaths almost all involve Daggerfall though. I have these really vivid memories of playing it for the first time, gosh, thirteen years ago now? And it's so vivid because I kept clicking "okay" to the tutorial box in the first dungeon, warning me that there was going to be a monster in the next room. And I thought I had the controls down, so I was ready. Went in, couldn't see where the thing that was hitting me was, flailed madly with my weapon, died. About ten times in a row. Finally, I got far enough from what was hitting me to realise that it was... a rat. All that time. And that I couldn't hit it before because I couldn't figure out how to look down and actually aim at the bugger. Easily resolved problem, really, but took me an embarrassingly long time to figure out. I still have an irrational fear of TES rats because of it, too.
And then I got to Daggerfall city, and was immediately killed by things I couldn't see. Resolved this problem by madly fearing walking around any town in that game at night, including racing the sunset to get into inns before nightfall. Took me... probably a few years to realise it was only an issue in that particular city, and it took me longer than that to realise I could actually see and kill the ghost responsible if I paid enough attention.

And of course there was the drowning shortly after winning an epic underwater battle, because I overestimated my breath meter. Did that more often than I want to admit, actually.
...I think most of my humiliating moments are in DF because I got used to being unexpectedly pwned, and tend to be paranoid and over-cautious in every game as a consequence. (I think I was level 35, with a Redguard of the Lady birthsign, before I thought it was safe to fight Dagoth Ur for the first time. It was... a little too anti-climactic. But I was worried.)