Each instance of an NPC's ID placed in the game has a unique ID (an extension so to speak). You can see this in game by opening the console and selecting a guard. Following the familiar ID is an eight-digit number distinguishing this clone from another of that type. That is what prevents functions applied to that ID-type from applying to all clones of that type.
Yes, I know this, I was just wondering if changes applied to the "base" npc affected all clones. Apparently, not.
My remarks to you were in haste. Since I was thinking in terms of LGNPC Nerevarine it was unacceptable to me to alter the guards in anyway. However you could add a version of your script to each type of Ordinator (and Redoran guard), and it should work as you intended.
Crap, didn't even think of a local script. I wish that morrowind had could affect all objects of certain criteria in scripts. So, instead of
"every_npc_you_want_affected"->setfight 100
you could have
if (class == guard )
if (faction == temple )
setfight 100
Of course, it would need the ability to provide exceptions, too: 'if (id !="exceptednpc" )' for example. For this application, there would need to be an option to affect all local references, too, so it would affect the "clones".
If you do go forth and initiate combat with the player, you may have to contrive a way to handle Tholer Saryoni's caution to the player about engaging ordinators in combat - that is unless the latter kill the player.

Yeah, but their are a few points about his cautions:
1: It always seemed to me that he was telling you,
even though they will try to attack you, avoid confrontation at all cost. Problem is, they never really tried to attack you.
2: I always thought he was cautioning you that the ordinators/temple would find it harder to accept that the player really is the nerevarine, and would attack you with more vigor, not that Saryoni would eat you if you did or something. Remember, this is the temple healer that cautions you, not Saryoni himself.