I love Northern Encounters - I don't just use it on the hunter-girls.... I have it active on everyone now.
I have to say - I don't do alchemy period. I don't like it, have no use for it. If I need pots I'll buy them. I don't use the enchant and smithing boosts, just not my thing (and really I don't need any pots at all since I play god-mode period). I don't use smithing much either - you gain levels too fast using any of that. I smith Steel Katanas and get enough points in enchanting to put frost damage on the left one and soul trap on the right one. And that's all I do other than tempering for a LOT of levels - until I start finding ebony weapons in game.
At that point I use the console to boost my smithing to encompass ebony (because I'm NOT going to level it up to that - I don't WANT to get those levels artificially - that's the main reason I really don't like "level by ability" as a mechanic) so I can make ebony katanas, then I temper them and enchant them the same as the steel ones. And those last me forever.
Bows, though.... well, The Huntsman - I've tempered it a bit, and enchanted it with Soul Trap - very low level, very few seconds, but it's still okay. I don't ever use anything but grand souls for enchanting - what's the use of the lowers except to artificially boost that skill? Which I don't want to do.... so it takes a fair while for me to get enchants on stuff.
I have my break-points of course. If I get to one of them, and things are just more annoying than they should be, well - *shrug* - I cheat, using the console. So? Sue me.... The game's meant to be fun. I play it how it's fun for me.