Hunters Discussion Thread

Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:11 pm

All things hunting. Poison and arrows, or destruction spells perhaps? Do you enjoy hunting? Share and discuss!

I'm going to open up with a small note on how profitable hunting is.. or isn't:

Too little profit from hunting?
We've all seen what big creeps are out there, just waiting for us to hunt them down and turn their skin and meet into profit! My only problem with them is, however, that you don't actually get.. nearly anything.. for hunting down stuff like trolls and bears, wolves, deers and mammoths. This is partly because the value of the items is so ridiculously low, you can't make profit from it if you sell it. Troll fat, 15 gold. Sell it for.. 7 gold. Kill a bandit, loot his stuff and sell all his armors and weapons and you'd get easily over 100 even if you were level 1. In order to make hunting these terrifying creatures more enjoyable, I'd want the reward to be quite a fair bit bigger than it is. The book 'killing trolls' or something similar, states selling the fat is quite a good source of income. Well, it's not. You'd have to kill over 100 trolls to be able to train one skill level. I haven't even seen that many trolls in 150 hours of Skyrim! This isn't just a thing about trolls though, wolves suffer from this too. Wolves give virtually no money at all, even if you make leather from the skin. Only when you make armor from it (such as a fur helmet) will you be able to get at least some money for it. I'd say, add a few misc items to the wolves and trolls and horkers and mammoths and all other things that moves around on four legs, that weight very little and can be used to make hunting these animals profitable. Currently, you can chop one piece of wood and make twice as much money that you'd get from killing a wolf.

But enough of that. What did you hunt down today? :teehee:
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Brentleah Jeffs
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:36 pm

I once hunted a great elk across the grasslands of was thrilling....then I took a arrow to the knee and a giants club to the head.
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Gill Mackin
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:24 pm

I think hunting is more enjoyable if you roleplay a self-sufficient hunter that makes use of every part of the animal (meat for cooking, leather for crafting armor) instead of just selling it.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:57 am

I think hunting is more enjoyable if you roleplay a self-sufficient hunter that makes use of every part of the animal (meat for cooking, leather for crafting armor) instead of just selling it.

That's exactly my point. There's not enough of that to actually make it worth it. You'd most likely be able to get dozens of times as much money by just chopping wood in a city. Hunting needs to be buffed. Add more meat, more fur, more antlers and such.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:53 am

I thought about making a hunter class. Where I live out in the wilderness, have minimal money, never increase health; not allowed to fast travel; have it on expert; and the only other thing is I have one other hunting companion with me. I want to see how long I can last. I wish there was a mode where you have to eat everyday or something. Because the only way you can live in this class is by eating meals, no potions.
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Rusty Billiot
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:53 am

I play a heavy armour wearing warrior with sword and board skills, but I do enjoy hunting. Here's how I do it

Swap my heavy armour for light armour, I got some fur armour that boosts my light armour skills, bracers that boosts my archery skills, and boots that boosts my sneaking skills, I also wear a ring that also boosts sneak, and an amulet that also boosts archery.

My bow, (Elven), with Elven arrows (I get as many as I can from shops and use them primarilly for hunting, I use a glass bow with any other arrows for my questing as a warrior), isn't enchanted. I also religiously collect Frostbite poison and use it on sabrecat and bear, wolf, elk and deer don't need it as I can take them down with one hit.
I find it thrilling, and profitable, good quality leather armour sells well. I'm never short of leather straps.
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Ryan Lutz
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:28 pm

I play a heavy armour wearing warrior with sword and board skills, but I do enjoy hunting. Here's how I do it

Swap my heavy armour for light armour, I got some fur armour that boosts my light armour skills, bracers that boosts my archery skills, and boots that boosts my sneaking skills, I also wear a ring that also boosts sneak, and an amulet that also boosts archery.

My bow, (Elven), with Elven arrows (I get as many as I can from shops and use them primarilly for hunting, I use a glass bow with any other arrows for my questing as a warrior), isn't enchanted. I also religiously collect Frostbite poison and use it on sabrecat and bear, wolf, elk and deer don't need it as I can take them down with one hit.
I find it thrilling, and profitable, good quality leather armour sells well. I'm never short of leather straps.

It's not profitable, compared to any other way of making money. Chop woods for one tiny minute and you get 100 gold. How long does it take to even find a bear to kill? At least 5 minutes. And the only way to get any money at all is to make leather armor from it, but even then it's less than anything else. Some say pick-pocket doesn't give nearly as much as it should in order to be worth it, well it gives more than hunting and faster. ;(

I am going to make a hunter character at some point and won't care how slow I get money, as I will at the same time level up as little as possible anyways.. But it'd be nice if it was actually worth it.
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Leticia Hernandez
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:44 pm

Add more meat, more fur, more antlers and such.


After killing my first (and so far only) mammoth, all I looted was one(1) tusk. I actually felt really bad for killing that animal and leaving all that meat and fur just to rot.
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Amy Masters
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:12 pm

I used to go out and hunt mammoths too Until i took an arrow to the knee.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:16 pm

I've got too many "arrow to the knee" right now, looks like I hunting those words in the forums :dance:
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George PUluse
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:44 pm

Blue butterflies (common and two wings per catch) and two blue mountain flowers (common) will make you a couple hundred gold at the alchemy table. Gold is not hard to make in this game. This game isn't about making money or "worth". It's about play. If you want to play a hunter, great. Go for it. But don't expect the game to make it realistic for you. Collect one of each pelt. Have fun. That's what this game is about.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:46 pm

I was out camping and hunting elk one time, but then a fox ate sweet roll whilst I was sleeping. :flame:
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Devils Cheek
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:12 pm

All things hunting. Poison and arrows, or destruction spells perhaps? Do you enjoy hunting? Share and discuss!

I love playing a hunter in games. Skyrim is one of the few that has made it fun and not repeititive for me. I usually have a follower like Lydia and Aela. We form cool hunting parties on the way to or from a mission. Bethesda really improved Archery from Oblivion. With my archery and sneak perks, I can now one-shot kill many mobs. I also like tanning the hides. I am not trying to make money off of it. I just do it for fun and stress-relief (skyrim is a stressful place). My current challenge is to kill a rabbit with my bow while it is running. It is real hard but one day I will do it.
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Melung Chan
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:21 pm

I would not be surprised to see a few mods come out that support this type of gameplay, assuming you are on PC. I can guarantee that we'll see a mod that vastly improves cooking, and requires you to eat. I'm sure we'll see a mod that increases the resources found on creatures (fur, meat, antlers, tusks), thus making hunting worthwhile. One thing I was a little bummed about was that there isn't a use for tusks or skulls, hopefully we'll see some bone weapons and armor as well.
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Jacob Phillips
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:47 pm

Horkers.. Now what's the point with hunting those?
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Lloyd Muldowney
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:58 pm

My dead knigth can hunt all ur deers and bears, AND, [censored] every bandit and vampire cave. This is how i make my profit =)
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:12 pm

I've been hunting and fishing in these parts for years!
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matt white
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:10 pm

I keep an Imperial Sword and a Hunter's Bow both enchanted with Soul Trap and Huntsman's Prowess for whenever I feel like it's time to hunt down some pelts, if not just souls.

I particularly enjoy soul trapping rabbits.
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