Hi, My character has 75 repair & 100 guns but when I go to activate the modification for installing Hunting revolver to 6 cylinder capacity, it does'nt give me the option in my pipboy but its listed in my inventory? whats the issue here? thanks
Are you using the Hunting Revolver(GRA)? Because that's all I can think of.
^^^^^^^^Thisage. You must have a (GRA) version of the weapon to place (GRA) mods on one. (GRA) mods will not work on non-(GRA) weapons. You can tell which are (GRA) weapons and (GRA) mods, as they have something special to alert you to the difference from (GRA) mods and (GRA) weapons to non-(GRA) mods and non-(GRA) weapons. I don't seem to recall what that was though........................
^^^^^^^^Thisage. You must have a (GRA) version of the weapon to place (GRA) mods on one. (GRA) mods will not work on non-(GRA) weapons. You can tell which are (GRA) weapons and (GRA) mods, as they have something special to alert you to the difference from (GRA) mods and (GRA) weapons to non-(GRA) mods and non-(GRA) weapons. I don't seem to recall what that was though........................