Hunting? Reward Adn Quest (Opinion) Read Disc

Post » Mon Apr 19, 2010 3:01 pm

The trees birds what a day... wait over there (shh) Slowly you get your shot lined up with your bow

Crouched and and ready you fire (and its a clean kill) What a buck (4 point)

Anyway back in topic (hunting) Want it to be a way to make money fun or just a way to add time to your game.

I Think maybe hunting should be put on in as sport to do more money in the game and joy

#1 The animal size=amount of meat you get to sell

#2 How good your pelt is

#3 To be able to sell it for a good price and make a small game hunter quest out of it

In oblivion they kind had it bear pelt and all bet all it was was shoot kill and i wasnt really worth the gold for getting it but maybe inhance the animal hunting in it a bit more.

Also maybe after you have mastered killing the animals you get a amazing weapon of choice?

Deer Are hard to get close to (Sneak)=Reward Bow (Skined deer bow shaft)

Bear are buff and attack you (Strength)=Reward Axe sword (Bear tooth blade)

Some kind of bird maybe you need to knock out of the tree with magic then burn it with a fire ball (Magic)=Reward staff (featherd)

Is this something that should be put in the game let me know please.
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Ice Fire
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Post » Mon Apr 19, 2010 2:39 pm

Well it's unanimous, no one likes hunting when there's monster slaying to be had. But in all seriousness, I don't want the devs wasting their time on hunting mechanics.
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Post » Mon Apr 19, 2010 10:29 am

I remember in Oblivion while playing my Bosmer, I tried to hunt to fit into his homesick role play.I didnt like the fact that all I got was some meat and used about 8 arrows to kill the thing (probably not 8, just a rough estimate). I think all creatures should have a 'critial' zone where you do massive damage (suh as head or heart for human) that will drop weak creatures fairly easy (like deer, for example).
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natalie mccormick
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Post » Mon Apr 19, 2010 4:37 pm

Your concept sounds too... gimmicky. Id rather have hunting simply recognized in the game as a viable roleplaying option, so its atleast supported in some way. I dont want a minigame or detailed mechanic to go along with it. Just let me kill deer with a bow! :P
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Post » Mon Apr 19, 2010 5:23 am

If Survival/Nature (and Social/Lore) becomes added specialities (as Combat, Stealth, and Magic is), then yes. But there is a lot more to Survival/Nature than simply hunting. Sneak should govern NPCs only, and a new Stalk should govern wildlife only. There would also *have* to be camping out possibilities, where you camp and sleep to regain your strengths. The overly simplistic HMF bars would have to be split in three (parts per bar) where they are constantly drained without eating and sleeping. Medical could be a new skill (treat your own wounds). Whereas restoration magic would only treat temporary wounds, you might need proper medical attention to treat permanent wounds. That would be a good "source" to have delays spanning several days (to allow seasons to have more impact). A more global crafting skill could deal with crafting arrows from wood and stone, make skins from pelt to enhance their value, polish stones, and a lot of other side uses (except making armor and heavy weapons, that's too much over the edge) not relevant to the nature specialist per se.

I'm an explorer, wildlifer, traveler, hunter, camper trying to survive (maybe even enjoy) the elements. Sadly none of these are part in this adventure game, which I think it is a massively important aspect of adventuring. I want to be able to see my progress as "how much % have I unfogged", number of locations discovered etc :) DF had a ranger class, and MW and OB a scout class. I always felt it was more "to it" in DF, although nowhere near where I'd want it.

So if the purpose is just to "have hunting in the game", then no, it doesn't add anything important enough. But if it's part of a major overhaul to emphasize also on exploring and surviving the nature, then yes, I'd say it would be a requirement.
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Post » Mon Apr 19, 2010 7:34 am

I say yes to hunting, no to your suggestion. I'd rather just have a formlist of hunting animals that count towards a statistic and possibly a small reward from an "expert" hunter after a certain number of kills. I'd also like to get rid of the psychic deer. 100% chameleon, 100 sneak, and I still can't get within sword range before they detect me. On that note, I'd like all the animals to stop their futile chases when I come within 100 miles of them.
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Anna Beattie
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Post » Mon Apr 19, 2010 12:10 pm

The trees birds what a day... wait over there (shh) Slowly you get your shot lined up with your bow

Crouched and and ready you fire (and its a clean kill) What a buck (4 point)

Anyway back in topic (hunting) Want it to be a way to make money fun or just a way to add time to your game.

I Think maybe hunting should be put on in as sport to do more money in the game and joy

#1 The animal size=amount of meat you get to sell

#2 How good your pelt is

#3 To be able to sell it for a good price and make a small game hunter quest out of it

In oblivion they kind had it bear pelt and all bet all it was was shoot kill and i wasnt really worth the gold for getting it but maybe inhance the animal hunting in it a bit more.

Also maybe after you have mastered killing the animals you get a amazing weapon of choice?

Deer Are hard to get close to (Sneak)=Reward Bow (Skined deer bow shaft)

Bear are buff and attack you (Strength)=Reward Axe sword (Bear tooth blade)

Some kind of bird maybe you need to knock out of the tree with magic then burn it with a fire ball (Magic)=Reward staff (featherd)

Is this something that should be put in the game let me know please.

go play bloodmoon. you can craft special armor with wolf and bear pelts.

i don't understand the deer bow shaft at all. or the bear tooth blade. no cliff racers ever! please...
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Baby K(:
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Post » Mon Apr 19, 2010 4:34 pm

i actually like that idea a lot. i think the money aspect of it though should be based more on pelts though.
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Chris BEvan
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Post » Mon Apr 19, 2010 9:54 am

I had a Hunter character that was actually quite fun to play.

I had a "stay away from towns" rule, and rather than hunt for money, I was hunting for survival (I was using a hunger mod, so the meat from deer was keeping me alive).

It was a really interesting way to play, I cleared out a bandit camp and lived there, spending my day hunting and gathering.
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chloe hampson
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Post » Mon Apr 19, 2010 6:08 am

Here is my two cents, for players who love to role play as professional hunters:

We can have an additional skill named "Survival", "Carving" or any other name that is appropriate, which would help us carve the body of our hunted prey, for valuable parts.

At first you could only carve out the pelt, in a passable condition that would fetch a bit of money but not much, and some meat.

But as you carve more bodies out, you get better at doing it, and at some points you can learn new perks for the skill, to be able to carve pelts in better conditions and carve out new items out of the bodies that could be used to make new items, or used in new potions and so on...

This new skill can be based on Agility or Intelligence.
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Maddy Paul
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Post » Mon Apr 19, 2010 11:06 am

go play bloodmoon. you can craft special armor with wolf and bear pelts.

i don't understand the deer bow shaft at all. or the bear tooth blade. no cliff racers ever! please...

Oh the bear tooth blade would be like this (picture it) The Blade of the sword would be made of bear tooth (just a thought)

The bow would be maybe the string was the skin of the animal and the shaft (wood part of the bow) Would be made of the dear rack if you get what i mean
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Ashley Tamen
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Post » Mon Apr 19, 2010 5:28 am

None of the poll options. I don't mind being able to hunt, but I don't want some special hunting mechanic, nor do i want boring wildlife like oblivion had :/
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Sheila Reyes
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Post » Mon Apr 19, 2010 11:39 am

I think it would be cool if the game had a hunters guild?
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Tyrone Haywood
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Post » Mon Apr 19, 2010 10:22 am

Can you not do all of this in Oblivion, go out in the wild with a bow, find a deer, shoot it. Viola! Or use an axe to hunt if your a real nord :) I would love a survival skill for gathering, hunting and skinning, with a similar interface to Fallout New Vegas where you can craft items. Maybe craft a Wolf Skin Cloak? And how exactly do you make a sword from a bear tooth? It'd be like half an inch long :/ I can understand a bow though, made from deer sinew and and wood from an elm.
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Natalie Taylor
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Post » Mon Apr 19, 2010 7:22 am

I like how it was done in Gothic 2. You get your basic skill to take pelts from creatures. Then you can learn how to take more types of parts from more types of creatures. In other words, before you can take a wolf pelt, claws, and teeth, you have to learn how to take the pelt, then learn how to take teeth and how to take claws.

Not quite translatable into a TES skill system unless a specific crafting sort of skill was added to the skill list.

I'm not really a fan of sport hunting in real life, and I don't think I'd enjoy such a thing in games, either. I'd rather have the creatures be waaaaay less aggressive and suicidal (unlike in previous TES games) so that I don't have to feel bad because I constantly have to kill creatures I admire - even if they are just pixels. It's from a personal standpoint, and also from a role-playing perspective.
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Post » Mon Apr 19, 2010 4:42 pm

I'd also like to get rid of the psychic deer. 100% chameleon, 100 sneak, and I still can't get within sword range before they detect me. On that note, I'd like all the animals to stop their futile chases when I come within 100 miles of them.

Seems quite realistic to me, chameleon keeps them from seeing you and sneak keeps them from hearing you but what keeps them from smelling you? Have you ever been near a deer in RL? Honestly they should be much faster than they are in OB, with high speed I run them down on foot. Just like RL the only efficient and timely way of killing a deer(barring a gun) is with a bow. It should stay that way.
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Eddie Howe
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Post » Mon Apr 19, 2010 10:45 am

Seems quite realistic to me, chameleon keeps them from seeing you and sneak keeps them from hearing you but what keeps them from smelling you? Have you ever been near a deer in RL? Honestly they should be much faster than they are in OB, with high speed I run them down on foot. Just like RL the only efficient and timely way of killing a deer(barring a gun) is with a bow. It should stay that way.

I do hunt in real life and (The wind) If you are downwind from the deer it will smell you from ever so far (Up wind) Keeps you from getting smelled but in Skyrim if this ever was true i would like to see that not in the game

of course there is cover scent spray...
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Lindsay Dunn
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Post » Mon Apr 19, 2010 3:36 am

I like this suggestion, only as long as hunting does not become a prominent part of gameplay. Selling pelts should be a good way for a *starting* character to make a little cash, but it should never be as lucrative as completing quests or treasure hunting. Killing and selling armor obtained from bandits should make way more money than pelts, but should be a little harder in general.
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Cagla Cali
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Post » Mon Apr 19, 2010 12:59 am

I like this suggestion, only as long as hunting does not become a prominent part of gameplay. Selling pelts should be a good way for a *starting* character to make a little cash, but it should never be as lucrative as completing quests or treasure hunting. Killing and selling armor obtained from bandits should make way more money than pelts, but should be a little harder in general.

Ever played red dead redemtion perfect hunter game in a free world ever created
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Katie Pollard
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Post » Mon Apr 19, 2010 4:58 pm

Isn't that 3rd person only? In that case, no, I haven't played it.
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Post » Mon Apr 19, 2010 7:14 am

Yes, mainly cause it would add something to do when your just wandering the wilds.
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Shianne Donato
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Post » Mon Apr 19, 2010 2:35 am

Yes, I'd like to be able to hunt, as that's how people get their food. Or at least see hunters in the game world.
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Louise Dennis
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Post » Mon Apr 19, 2010 8:42 am

There was a really excellent mod for oblivion back in...07 I want to say? EDIT 06 where you could craft pelts into full fur outfits. Yes, I know you can do this in MMM. But this was different. You could make mountain lion armor, wolf armor, deer armor, TROLL armor, boar leather, ogre leather, and even RAT armor! And they were all retextured to resemble the animal you used, and the stats increased as well. The best part was it had a crafting skill, so the better you were, the better and more valuable your armor would be. If you were lucky enough to create say, perfect troll fur armor, it would be enchanted to add some positive enchantment with the obligatory 5% weakness to fire attached. Perfect Troll Fur curiasses ended up being worth like 1000 gold too. It was easily my favorite mod, and for a professional team like Bethesda to create something similar would really not be that hard. I tried to resurrect the mod for use with ooo or fcom, and it was surprisingly not THAT complicated.

EDIT: It was Retro42's, and I was pleasantly surprised to see it still on the Tes Nexus
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Emmanuel Morales
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Post » Mon Apr 19, 2010 6:19 am

Well it's unanimous, no one likes hunting when there's monster slaying to be had. But in all seriousness, I don't want the devs wasting their time on hunting mechanics.

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ashleigh bryden
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Post » Mon Apr 19, 2010 5:49 pm

Hmm, a Gaston questline? Only if I get Belle as my final prize :hubbahubba:

Ack, the song came out in '91?

Sigh...for the youngins here...
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