[RELzWIPz] Hunting in Skyrim - Thread #4 (Status: Version 1.

Post » Tue May 07, 2013 5:17 am

Still coming up empty on a good name for the main guild hall. I'm thinking something like Deer Stalker Lodge, or Timberside Ridge (it's kind of on a ridge lol).
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CSar L
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 4:21 am

Deerstalker Lodge: +1 vote

- Hypno
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Amanda savory
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 3:03 am

I know I am just doing radiant quests but maybe this is a bug. I am told to get say wolf pelts for a blacksmith in Whiterun yet when I take the quest it says I need to give them to Lod in Falkreath. I happened to have twice as many wolf pelts as he wanted and for some reason he paid me for the first set, and had dialog as though I had not completed the quest for him but it said I did. So I talked to him again and sold him the rest of the pelts and got paid again and got another quest completion from him. Not complaining, he paid me both times.

I know this mod is a work in process but will the guild hall out in the wilds ever be finished? I did all the quests for the steward in Dragonsreach so we have the Jarl's approval. I bought all the upgrades for the one in the basemant of The Drunken Huntsman. Its awesome down there.

I just want to say I planned on making a bosmer hunter at one point and when I finally did and came across this mod, it put my ideas to a whole new level. I'd be tired of hunting if it was not for this mod.
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Daddy Cool!
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 12:54 pm

Which version of my mod are you using, version 1.3.2? 1.3.2 does not tell you to get pelts for a whiterun blacksmith, you are just told to get some pelts in a few different ways, and there are 4 radiant contracts to complete.

It will be finished yes, its almost finished now (technically), just not in-game yet.
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Chris Guerin
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 5:59 am

I'm on 1.3. So far its sent me to Lod with pelts about 5 times and once to Eurland. Is there a 1.3.2 now?
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phil walsh
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 2:31 am

Yep been 1.3.1 for about a week mate. Make sure you read the updating instructions.

My bad, 1.3.1
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Annika Marziniak
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 4:57 am

ah cool. thanks I'll update mine and see what happens.
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 2:46 am

Started working on the scratches mate. Just trying to figure out the best approach. I'm thinking if possible, to have it all done with a normal map, so it just deforms whatever it is projected onto. Going to take a peek under the hood of the footprints mod for inspiration, I'm sure Jon won't mind

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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 2:13 am

That sounds like a good idea mate yea the beam pillar outside the companions guild has some scratches on it, you could check it out for inspiration to
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Ezekiel Macallister
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 4:34 pm

I was going to mod tonight be decided to get durkns insteadm will be uploading a little update tomorrow though for fixes and optimisatikns
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JUan Martinez
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 2:59 pm

Ran into a slight snag. I want to update to 1.3.1 however I have an active quest to give Lod in Falkreath 5 wolf pelts... thing is its showing me 3/5 pelts yet I have 7 in my inventory. He has no dialog when I talk to him to turn them in. Is there a console commant to clear the quest so I can update?


Btw of the guild hall looks as good as the basemant hall. I can't wait to see it.
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 4:28 am

I'll sort you out with a console command in a bit mate.

Have you got normal wolf pelts? Had that quest worked for you before to collect wolf pelts? What happens when you drop them on the floor and pick them back up?
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Miss Hayley
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 5:56 pm

I have 7 normal wolf pelts, 3 (good) wolf pelts, one ice wolf pelt. I dropped them on the ground and even gave them to a follower to hold onto and the count says 3/5 despite the fact my inventory is empty.
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 11:39 am

Strange, I never had an issue with that one.

Open the console and type:

SetStage HISJL0Quest2 20

Then press Enter. It'll complete the quest. Then you can update to 1.3.1 Let me know if you have any more problems.
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Justin Bywater
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 5:32 am

all that did was give me another quest to get him elk pelts...

I tried to see if I could take a quest from the guild master but I do get the dialog from him that seems to indicate I already have a quest, which I do, the wolf one. According to my hunter's log I have done 7 tasks so far

How can I use the console command to look up what misc quest code I have for that one? Maybe if I could find that out I can try and clear it.

Would hate to think I have to uninstall and reinstall the entire mod. If it comes to that I'll sell all the good pelts I have so I don't lose them.
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 3:28 pm

Ok go back to a save from before you did the console command. Let's find out which quest you're actually on. Type the following into the console and press enter after each one. Tell me which one has the status RUNNING

sqv hisjl0quest1

sqv hisjl0quest2

Also I don't know what's going on because only HISJL0Quest2 in version 1.3 has Wolf Pelts to collect. Very strange.
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 9:37 am


Both say status stopped.
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Phillip Hamilton
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 1:15 pm

In that case, it's like a report I had from someone else. It was rare, and only happened once, but when completing the contract by talking to the npc, the player must have selected the dialogue twice. This makes the quest go funny and the objective to remain in your quest log. The quest isn't actually running and is complete.

I'm not sure if it's possible to remove the objective from your log.

Have you got any recent save that doesn't have it?

As far as I believe, you should be ok to update to the next version of the mod. But ideally go back to an earlier save. I don't know what sort of problems that rogue quest objective may cause
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Auguste Bartholdi
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 8:15 am

Thats exactly what happened. I had the dialog twice. unfortunatly I have no saves prior to that happening that I can fall back on. I backed up my saves and will install the update and see what happens. Hope it works. If not I may just uninstall the whole thing and reinstall 1.3.1 with the perks as I have running the non-perk one.
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 7:21 am

Hopefully it'll work


On a side note these radiant hunt quests are so randomised now, even your journal logs are chosen at random!
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Kayleigh Williams
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 5:32 am

You must be getting fed up with typing GetRandomInt() lol...you'll start dreaming Radiance soon!

Just to let ya know, I'm nearly there with the scratch marks. Been at work today, busiest day for betting shops thanks to the good ol' Grand National. I'm on holiday for the next two weeks so I should have it to ya by tomorrow

- Hypno
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Valerie Marie
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 6:50 am

Looking forward to it mate . And yes, I really am. I've had just about enough of Int's and Aliases lol.
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Mario Alcantar
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 4:24 am

looking forward to trying out 1.3.1

I checked my saves before updated and noted I could still get a quest for more pelts even with the incomplete one in my log thats just going to have to stay there. Have yet to play since installing but I'll make sure I laod the save I have before checking to see if I could take another quest with the incomplete one in the log. should be all set.
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Anna Krzyzanowska
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 1:38 am

Could you not just make a quick plug in (dependent on HIS) that just contains one script that when it loads, sets the offending objective as completed? Then you just save and remove the fix mod, job done

Would that not work? Or would it just make more trouble then it fixes?

- Hypno
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Alyesha Neufeld
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 12:36 pm

I'm pretty much a noob when it comes to that sort of thing.
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