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Current Mod Version - 1.3.2
See below changelog for changes and planned updates.
- Download Links -
Normal Version
Skyrim Nexus - (1.3.2)
TES Alliance - (1.2.1)
No Perks Version
Also on Skyrim Nexus -
Steam Workshop -
Hunting in Skyrim aims to bring to the game a better hunting experience. New gameplay mechanics will be introduced changing the way players hunt, survive, and obtain animal parts and skins from their kills, taking the experience to a whole new level. At it's base level, this mod is working to make living and earning off of the land more exciting, challenging, and much more rewarding. However these new features and gameplay mechanics are fused together by the core idea of the mod; bringing a new Hunting Guild into Skyrim.
The Hunters of Skyrim will become an economic and public service powerhouse, providing services such as pelt/animal part collecting, hunting for game or sport, as well as protecting the good people of Tamriel from the foulest of beasts the lands have ever seen. The reach of the guild will be almost unlimited, and it will have outposts strewn across Skyrim, as well as in Solstheim, High Rock, Valenwood, and who knows where else. The player will follow the journey of this guild from it's humble beginnings, right up until the climix of it's tale, rising through the ranks as the guild grows in size, strength, and renown. Unlike some stories being told in the world, the player may not be the star of the show in this yarn. The guild will grow around them, and will be a living breathing establishment that's lore friendly and fits in perfectly with the rest of the game.
The player can expect to undertake simple pelt gathering missions, small hunting missions of ease with the right skills, quests to slay the mightiest of beasts, and will follow a story that will rock the fabric of the land. Players will learn new skills, earn unique perks, obtain unique weapons and armour, travel the length and breadth of Skyrim and beyond; all of this centred around a radiant and dynamic faction. Building new outposts, upgrading as they go, players will be able to customise how the guild itself is created. Using crafting mechanics similar to Hearthfire, players will even be able to craft unique trophies from their special hunts.
The story of the Hunters of Skyrim is just beginning. Where it will end, is up to you.
What this mod currently does
In it's current state this mod adds a Hunting Guild to Skyrim. The player can complete quests and challenges, rising through the ranks and gaining renown for completing tasks. The initial Guild hub is based in the basemant of the Drunken Huntsman in Whiterun. Once the main Guild Hall is complete outside, the initial hub will become a Guild outpost.
I have also introduced new perks to the game, centered around hunting. They give bonuses to both damage and protection against animals, and at later levels, all creatures including Dragons.
The mod currently includes (as of version 1.3) 10 main quests, 6 side quests (5 of which are repeatable radiant quests), a new skinning and pelt crafting system, trophy crafting, guild upgrades, and many more features. The player is also given a Log Book which keeps track of all the animals you kill, skin, contracts completed, and abilities unlocked. Two new skills have been added to game (separate from the normal skills menu) and are tracked in the Log Book. The Hunting Skill increases as you hunt animals, and you also gain Huntsman Feats that go towards your overall Hunting Skill for obtaining notable achievements such as sneak kills on animals and killing hard animals with daggers. Skinning Skill is determined by how many carcasses you've skinned and improved, and governs how well you can improve your pelts. Hunting Skill also has a small influence on your Skinning Skill.
The base value of hunting "loot" has been increased so that it's a much more viable source of income. I have tried to keep it balanced and the values not too high.
Visit the new for more details on the Quests, Perks, and Price changes, Skinning & Carcass systems, stat tracking, and more.
Features available in version 1.3
Update 1.3 will include more main quests, new legendary creatures, radiant contract quests, guild recruitment, stat tracking, new skills (Hunting and Skinning skills) that are tracked in the stats book so won't affect the standard skills, and much much more. Below are videos of just some of what you can expect:
Unique Features.
NEW! - Tracking system for all animals killed, animals skinned, Guild contracts completed etc.
NEW! - Preview video of the new feature coming in 1.3; Carcasses. They will replace normal hunting loot, and create a whole new hunting system. See video and YouTube description for details.
NEW! - Crafting trophies to decorate the Guild halls. - Video showing how I can track kills in quests, allowing more player freedom for hunting quests.
Contracts. Quests that allow dozens and sometimes hundreds of variations for repeatable "Contract" quests. - Showing the dialogue system to give the player a contract at random. - Showing the amounts needed for contracts can be random. - Showing the Pelt/Object required can be random each time. - Showing a fully random quest. NPC, Object, and Amount is always random.
NEW! - A simple radiant export quest shown here, as well as how they are replaced.
NEW! - This video shows how the Hunt Contracts are replenished.
Guild Hall Videos. Showing the new Guild Hall I'm working on for version 1.3. - Showing the Main Hall, Feasting Hall, and external buildings. - Preview of the Guild Hall Sleeping Quarters. Showing various rooms for the player, Guild Porter, and Guild members.
NEW! - Preview of the Whiterun Outpost armoury, with my training dummies.
Many more screenshots and videos can be found on my Nexus mod page
My coming update, version 1.3, changes how the initial quests play out. This is down to user feedback that I have receieved. The quests and scripts will be different than in this version on Steam (version 1.2.1). Now as you know Steam updates your mods automatically. Because of this, if you are working through the quests and Steam updates the mod on your system, it will likely break the mod.
Sadly there's nothing I can do about this. There are however 3 things I can recommend for you to do.
1. Play through the mod and complete all available quests. Or complete Pelts for the People, and do not start the Great White Stag quest.
2. Do not start any quests atall in this mod until the next version is released.
3. Unsubscribe to the mod on Steam and download/install it from one of my other hosted pages like TES Alliance, or Skyrim Nexus. That way you can control when your mod gets updated.
Users who have downloaded from these sources will be informed in detailed updating/installation instructions how to update the mod before they physically do.