I know houses in Daggerfall aren't nearly so useful for gameplay as a ship, but for RP purposes having a town to call home and a place to sit in front of the fire on a winter's day is worth the gold, at least to me.
So after saving my pennies (and gold coins) for some virtual time, I'm looking to settle down in a nice town! Ideal location: no city walls (I come and go a lot at night.), a thieves guild (The reason I come and go a lot at night.

Anyone ever find a really really nice house someplace? Something out of the ordinary? I've seen a couple of towns with houses inside the town cemetary (presumably caretakers), but never any for sale. Interesting mansions? Some towns have buildings with the tavern texture marked as 'residences' (and not thieves guilds, either), but I've never seen a 'tavern' for sale either. For those who've looked, what's the best bit of real estate you've seen yet for location, decor, and other interesting things?