[WIP] Hunting Village

Post » Thu Jul 18, 2013 10:21 am

I'm going to start developing a mod that is a hunting village in falkreath I want to start it small just 2 or 3 buildings on the initial release and then on later updates add more buildings and features but still keep it a small village. I would like to have fully voiced NPCs and also have the feature of your character starting the town perhaps make it a ruined town or ghost town and when discovering it you get a quest to recruit hunters and villagers to help build it up. This being a hunting village and all I would also like it so you can make a profit from it set up trade routes that sell furs and meats to the cities and perhaps a hunting guild of sorts that accepts contacts to hunt down particularly dangerous beast.

I did mod a giant underground city for Morrowind that was well done but life came along and it wasn't finished so I need to learn the CK but I'm a fast learner so it shouldn't take me long to get the hang of it. This is mostly brainstorming and would love some input for when I start it up in the coming weeks.

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James Potter
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Post » Thu Jul 18, 2013 2:53 pm

So? Well, have fun doing it.

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Sasha Brown
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Post » Thu Jul 18, 2013 4:25 pm

I would start simple - a small farm, a hunter, and a general goods store that deals in a higher than average number of pelts and furs. Add a couple mini-quests and you should be good for a first release. Later on I would add a player home, stables, and the ability to make a regular profit off of your hunting operation. It's worth noting, however, that a hunting guild is already in the works, near completion.

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Emily Martell
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Post » Thu Jul 18, 2013 7:51 pm

I know the mod you're talking about but this is a bit different the hunting in skyrim mod adds a guild this will be a town that makes profit, the guild was just a thought but I really want the profit aspect. You see hunters all around skyrim I think it would be cool to had a central hub that they visit and you can make a profit from their bounties. Your other suggestions are good and that is most likely what I'll do, maybe make it a werewolf town with Skaal style buildings, looks like a normal hunting village on surface but is really a safe haven for werewolves perhaps something like that

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Princess Johnson
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Post » Thu Jul 18, 2013 11:20 am

[Idea] - As you complete more quests and do more trade, wild werewolves steadily become more friendly. (At least the ones that are hunters for a living.)

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Christie Mitchell
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Post » Thu Jul 18, 2013 11:21 am

Ok I've done some more thinking how about scrap my original idea about how the town starts. How about you are approached by a guard in falkreath alerting you to a nasty werewolf responsible for the murder of several travelers on the road and you are tasked to hunt him down and kill him, after tracking him and finding him in a cave he confronts you in human form warning you to leave the cave or he will be forced to kill you to keep his location a secret. Realizing that a savage werewolf wouldn't warn you before attacking, you try to get the full story about the attacks. he tells you that the attacks are not from him but from the silver hand that seek to eradicate him and his family by trying to get the town guard to go out and hunt his family down.

I know you might say why would they go through that trouble when they can just do it themselves why would the town guard go out and hunt something that hasn't caused harm to the village? If the silver hand are caught slaughtering a family that no one knows are werewolves then they would in turn be hunted.

So you decide to help the man hunt down the silver hand hunting party and after killing them you learn they are but a small fraction of a bigger force, you are then asked to help him get his family and help them find safety which leads to you finding an abandoned meadhall in northern falkreath where you start the foundations of a safe haven for werewolves.

Perhaps after getting the man and his family to the meadhall he suggest building a community for those who are in the same position as he and his family are in, more werewolves and people sympathetic to the cause would help fend off the silver hand hunting parties. You could go out into the world and find feral werewolves and show them how to tame their beast, seek out non werewolf settlers and refugees to move to the village to help make it seem like just a normal hunting village. I could also make it so you have to fend off attacks from the silverhand and go on missions to destroy their organization.

I think this would be a good idea, would be hard but would make a great mod.

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Leanne Molloy
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Post » Thu Jul 18, 2013 8:19 am

The only inconsistency in the story, is the Silver Hand killing a family, and making it look like a werewolf attack, so people won't suspect the Silver Hand of killing a family. Couldn't they just hunt the original Werewolves, and make THAT look like a werewolf attack? Since they won't know the victims were werewolves, they would think a werewolf is still out there - putting them to work on Silver Hand duties. Another option might be to make it so that the Silver Hand isn't killing non-werewolf types - they're killing werewolves and framing other werewolves for the killing, to try and get the guards involved on their side.

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Post » Thu Jul 18, 2013 5:38 pm

the silverhand killed the travelers and blamed the werewolves, I could make it so the man you find use to be a notorious hunter of the silverhand or perhaps a former companion that left because he started a family and later after leaving the family was attacked by a feral and his wife and kids got infected.

I was a bit confused by your post lol.

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Setal Vara
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Post » Thu Jul 18, 2013 11:17 pm

It's also a little confusing because in the vanilla game's "Ill Met By Moonlight" quest there is already a werewolf (named Sinding) in Falkreath who did murder someone, and in the course of that quest you track him down to a cave and there you can choose to join forces with him against those hunting him. It isn't identical to what you're suggesting, but it's a little too similar, in my opinion anyway; what you're talking about doing would make both quests more confusing.

That said, the vanilla content does give you some things to build on. Maybe the Silver Hand are hanging around Fakreath because they heard about Sinding the werewolf being imprisoned there, and looking for others of his kind. Maybe Sinding was kicked out of some secret werewolf community in the forest of Falkreath--which the player can discover and help grow. Or maybe the player works with Sinding to turn the grotto where he's taken refuge into a safe haven for other werewolves. Etc. There are different ways you could tie it together, but if you want to do something with Falkreath and werewolves, my suggestion would be to find ways to work with and extend the vanilla content that already links those two things.
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laila hassan
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Post » Thu Jul 18, 2013 9:08 am

Forgot about that quest and I can see how that would be confusing, I like the suggestion about the silverhand hanging around falkreath because of sinding, Hmm this will take some re thinking. I still want to keep the original story but It will have to be changed a bit to not seem as similar. Maybe I could make it so you happen upon a silverhand hunting party and you kill them and find a letter that sends you toward the cave that the man is in who was their original target and instead of finding just him, he is there with his family.

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