After weeks of trying out numerous builds found on several sites and not finding one that fit comfortably with my playstyle I decided to try to design a build of my own.
I've never like playing just one style, be it pure mage, pure thief, pure assassin, pure warrior, etc. Never been a big fan of crafting as I simply don't have the patience to grind it out.
I'd rather be playing than crafting. Also, I play on PS3 so mods are not an option.
I prefer a hybrid build and with that in mind this is what I came up with:
One-Handed: Armsman (5/5), Fighting Stance
Restoration: Novice, Apprentice, Respite, Regeneration
Illusion: Novice, Animage, Kindred Mage, Quiet Casting
Conjuration: Novice, Apprentice, Summoner (1/2), Atromancy
Alteration: Novice, Apprentice, Dual Casting
Block: Shield Wall (1/5), Deflect Arrows, Elemental Protection
Archery: Overdraw (3/5)
Sneak: Stealth (1/5)
Obvious room for adjustments and improvements as so far I've only used up 28 perks.
Armor will be a mix of Heavy Armor and Mage Robes/Hoods. As you can see I like to do a bit of stealth sniping, a bit of hand to hand combat and a bit of crowd control with Atronachs. Spell level perks will be adjusted if necessary. Difficulty setting will be variable and malleable. Race has yet to be determined. Stone will probably be The Lover.
Your thoughts, opinions, feedback and generally snarky comments are all appreciated.