My Hybrid character

Post » Sun Jun 16, 2013 5:09 am

Ok guys i'v been playing a compleatly new character for me on a fun factor im level 32 at the moment and enjoyed every moment so far but lets see what you guys think of it also any hints tips or things i need to keep an eye on.

skills in use level 32

sneak - always usefull in dungons and dubble damage yes please

alteration - i use light armor and sneak alot so this magic tree is put to good use with skills like iron skin, detect life, and of corse 30% magic resistent

enchanting - is a must 100/100 means i can enchant my gear with the best of the best

light armor - sneak around easyer light on my feet and genrally enjoy light armor over heavy and mage armors means if things get nasty and i get detected i can switch to dawn braker and slice and dice sum undead

archery - with sneak and alteration to plan my attacks this is always good fun

smithing - got to be able to upgrade magic and enchanted gear and dragon armor is always a plus

one handed-

future skills being levels include

illusion - invisible and silent casting are going to be usfull

restoration - healing spells will be very important as the game goes on in my oppion

so guys what do you think only usfull comments please also what the heck shall i call this class?

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elliot mudd
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