My concern is that the fancy "economy" stuff won't end up just being something for the people who want to do Stupid Economy Tricks, but will end up messing things up for people who just want to go to the store and sell stuff.... having to run around a circuit of vendors in Fallout 3, as they each ran out of caps, was fine. But if it gets much more annoying than that just to sell your loot..... :sadvaultboy:'s nice that some people want to be able to play Bloomberg Economy Manipulation 2011. As long as other people just trying to explore dungeons and sell the crap they find don't end up either collapsing the economy or being told "Oh, you've sold too many Leather Gauntlet, nobody will buy them now".
(In other words, Recettear: An Item Shop's Tale is a great game, but that doesn't mean you should have to play it in every RPG you run into.

re: "realism = good"
This isn't the thread for it, but I could fill pages and pages with "realism" ideas that would certainly
not be game improvements. (If you don't pack and waterproof your gear correctly every time you get stuff out of your carrysack, encountering water - either fording a stream, or being rained on, etc - will destroy all your perishable goods! It's Realistic?! Non-preserved plant and animal matter you carry with you will rot within a couple days! It's Realistic?! Alchemy ingredients you gather will go bad if you don't spend a couple hours after each gathering session "preparing" them! It's Realistic?! It takes 15-30 minutes with the help of a squire to put on or take off your full plate heavy armor! Oh, and lets enhance that "realism" completely, and give it a 1:1 time scale. It
literally takes 15+ minutes to put on your armor! :hubbahubba: )