I second this. His meeting with Vivec gave me chills.
I second this. His meeting with Vivec gave me chills.
just so everyone knows, The Nerevarine (Possibly) needed the help of Vivec if he (the Nerevarine is canonically male) wanted to use that gauntlet of his safely.
The CoC needed the Help of the Nine Divines to defeat Umaril the Unfettered for good, and the help of the MadGod Sheogorath/Jyggalag to stop the greymarch, led by the same guy.
The LDB needed the help of an elder scroll (I divine tool) to defeat Alduin, and the "help" of Herma Mora to take down the First Dragonborn Miraak.
If you really want to get into that, then the Dragonborn wouldn't be able to catch the Nerevarine, even with Slow Time. Boots of Blinding Speed and/or 100+ Speed/Athletics > Slow Time + Sprint.
Cyrodiil because he could run backwards at superspeed while shooting arrows into Dovakiin
Again, we do not have any clue what they character classes are, so they are all everything at the same time.
oh? i wasn't aware you could fairly compare those two abilities to draw a definite conclusion...
how do you know slow time wouldn't overpower boots of speed and vice versa? you don't
also, whirlwind sprint would have a similair effect
also, that, whilst it's almost certain the LDB would have access to most/all shouts, it's not certain that the nerevarine possessed X item
Even if he did have this, that affects foot speed, not arm speed or spell speed, so at most he'd run away. Dovahkiin could still strike him first or dodge his attacks.
We know the Nerevarine still holds at least Wraithguard and Sunder...
Still. The Nerevarine could, being all things in lore, could assassinate the LDB before he/she can catch him/her.
He is a Demi-god, has Silence Spells witch would render Thu'um useless. And I am sure he has picked up some valuable techniques all his time in Akavir.
Not to mention, depending on how you interpret the Prophecy, Nerevarine may have been a Dragonborn as well.
Slow time, and nerevarine isn't canonically a mage.
and Dragonborn doesn't Canonically know every word for every shout
just because certain dungeons weren't accessible without guilds, doesn't mean he couldn't access them, it's not like you HAVE to be a thief to get in, lorewise
also, to people saying nerevarine has spent time in akavir learning [censored] ect, the LDB has the backing of herma mora (for now)..alotta forbidden knowledge in there, including a plethora of shouts (probably)
No, but the ones he does know are devastating. Storm call, bend will (may or may not affect nerevarine) Durnehviir, Odahviing, Fusrodah, whirlwind sprint. Those are canon and would devastate him.
the assassination thing could surely work both ways, unless i'm missing something (nerevarine and all things related isn't exactly a strong point of mine)
that would be cheating?
what do you mean?
and still, no canon class=all PCs being all things at the same time, so the Nerevarine could kill the LDB without any fight.
It is just as valid, as again, THEY ARE NOT CANONICALLY ANY CLASS!
As much as I love the Nerevarine. I'd have to say the Dohvahkiin, since you said not to include post Shivering Isles COC.
exactly, so it's better to disregard it completely
If they're not any class then we cant consider ANY ABILITY UNLESS WE KNOW THEY HAVE IT.
Too bad Colonel can't see that without a canon class, the characters can be anything, and thus are everything at the same time.
@Stoneguard, by your logic, the dovahkiin gets all shouts including slow time because he canonically doesn't have all so we can assume he has all and has done every quest. Again, by your logic.
Too bad that isn't what he was saying and doesn't make a lick of sense.
That is the point. We have no clue what the skill set is, so we HAVE to consider all situations.