does he have Stormcall though?
You don't get it as part of the MQ, a Wordwall for the First Word is in the Ruin you fight through to get to Sovngarde, but it is miss-able...
does he have Stormcall though?
You don't get it as part of the MQ, a Wordwall for the First Word is in the Ruin you fight through to get to Sovngarde, but it is miss-able...
You know, I was going to come in here and participate in the discussion. But now I just feel like I seriously need to brush up on my lore.
you're basing facts on pure conjecture, 'what if he cast this spell, or used this weapon' yeah but what if he didn't, then what?
I think we can reasonably assume he gets it. Its right in front of your face in the MQ. Whirlwind sprint is missable too. But we assume he gets it because he was there. Its reasonable.
Both Dragon Aspect and Storm Call make the Dragonborn rather overpowered.
More than likely is that there would be a fight between the three heroes and the Thalmor, and the Thalmor lose.
technically I don't think Whirlwind sprint is missable, the Greybeards teach it to you at your first visit to High Hrothgar
The Nerevarine and CoC don't have any special powers or abilities. Just the honor of being who they are.
Technically, the Dovahkiin's the only one who would have an edge here.
Where did you even get thalmor out of all this?
Going simply by what they have in canon, with no skills, of course the Dovahkiin would win. he is the only one who needs not rely on his own personal skill.
Colonel can have part of this round, but the point is that the LDB is only going to win by virtue of being the LDB, a part of Akatosh, which is cheating.
Well if you're going to argue absolutes, Dovakiin doesn't know all shouts.
He know's Unrelenting Force, Dragonrend, Whirlwind Sprint and Call dragon.
He also doesn't have any armour or weapons equipped.
Race is unknown.
It's not going to go anywhere.
It's only when you give both sides their full potential arsenal and have them battle is when you determine the strongest.
My bad I meant become ethereal. Which is another one he gets. VERY op.
This is what I mean about rules. All of this needs to be set in the first post so we could avoid all the BS and get down to the nitty gritty.
what abilities do each have available?
and how do their canon accomplishments compare?
I've been saying this all-throughout the damn thread already. What he does have, unrelenting force, bend will, the two dragons,whirlwind sprint, become ethereal, storm call. dragon aspect, all of that is still more than what we know nerevarine has which is no aging.
and soul tear.
Again. The LDB does not LEARN to be the LDB, he/she is BORN the LDB, but simply does not know it. The gift of being Dragonborn is a gift from the Gods. IF we have to disqualify the post-Shivering Isles CoC is a god (which is a gift from the last MadGod) then we HAVE to disqualify the LDB for being the LDB.
Neither of them would win. Their battle would just cause a severe Time violation that would cause dimensional rifts to occur in various places. From these rifts, the Dwemer will emerge as pure Aldmeri cyborgs..
That is the worst piece of circular logic I've ever read in my life.
Really? After all these years you think the lore still doesn't have all important info on the Nerevarine and CoC? Things like major abilities possessed usually are the first to be revealed.
We're dealing with legendary figures here. It makes no sense to accuse one of them of cheating for having... legendary powers.
No we do not, that is what makes the LDB the LDB. Sheogorath isn't what makes the CoC the CoC.
Thank you.
If this was Ulfric vs the Nerevarine, this would be moot.
People disqualify post-SI CoC for being a god, and their CANNOT be any divine power, the DRAGONBORN cannot use his shouts as they are not his own powers, but a gift from AKATOSH, the DRAGON GOD of TIME!
By that logic, then all magic is out because it comes from aetherius.
Somebody neutral needs to remake this thread and establish some ground rules, otherwise this really isn't going to get anywhere. If that was even the intention.