.....omg....epic. Imagine how cool that'd be! Then you cast it too to even things out. OMG I want that kind of shout battle!
.....omg....epic. Imagine how cool that'd be! Then you cast it too to even things out. OMG I want that kind of shout battle!
It's out of your league but it applies. The Nevarine and the LDB have sparred before in a past life. The LDB is basically Lorkhan without his heart. When Nerevar beat Ysmir he had his heart. He was at full power and still lost. So it stands to reason that if they fought again the Nervarine would win.
Yeah, it would.
I can imagine myself panicking if Miraak ever pulled that one on me during the fight
I never did like that argument simply for two reasons. One, dovahkiin is likely stronger than Wulfharth and has more control, and two nerevarine isn't nerevar. We don't know for sure that he knows what nerevar knows, but if he did, its not canon that nerevarine is even a mage. My nerevarine was a warrior. You can know how to do something without having the ability to do it. For instance, I know that flapping my upper appendages is how birds fly. But I still dont have the ability to do so.
I don't know who would win Elder Scrolls lore wise, but between my Nerevarine, Champion of Cyrodiil, and Dovahkiin, it probably goes Dovahkiin > Champion of Cyrodiil > Nereverine
If my characters were all to fight each other.
Believed to be.
Keeping in mind that reincarnation is one of the walking ways and the LDB is more likely travelling down the mantle road.
You don't like my argument Colonel? It's still valid. The Nerevarine is Indoril Nerevar reincarnated. I'm not arguing about how reincarnation works, but about who would win in hypothetical match between the Nerevarine and the LDB. They both fought and Nerevar won. Not only is it in the 36 Lessons, but in the 5 Songs of King Wulfharth.
I don't like it because I dont see LDB as Wulfharth reincarnated and even if they were, past lives dont apply because they are vastly different. I dont think the reincarnation theory no matter how it works applies to a vs convo.
It would still make them the same. Walk like them till they walk like you.
Nerevarine is supposed to be a Shezzarine who can also shout. Of course, I doubt he's killed any dragons. Furthermore, the LDB is walking as Lorkhan until Lorkhan walks like him. And we've all heard stories of how Nords didn't see Tiber as a human, but instead as a https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/439516/Skyrim/2013-02-20_00005.jpg.
He could say the first word instead of all three. Game over still.
pointless argument i must say, because then it essentially comes down to who hits first, so then both have an equal chance of winning
the thu'um is vastly underrated IMO, although i haven't played morrowind, and don't know much about the nerevarine
Again, back in Oblivion days it was rumored that the Nerevarine was a Shezzarine: Lorkhan's great revenge on the tribunal and Dagoth Ur for abusing his heart. But the Nerevarine isn't going to become part of Talos. The LDB is.
The nerevarine also is not canonically a mage. He could be a warrior.