A thought occurred to me, well, more like an extreme hypothetical situation. I was thinking about my favorite things; games, movies, music, etc that has influenced my life in some way. Things that I grew up with that are more than likely more important to me than others for a sentimental reason.
The hypothetical situation is this: you have been stranded on an island have been given a choice of certain things to keep you company for the rest of your life. What would those things be?
You have the choice of the following:
1) 2 gaming systems, and 5 games per system. (PC counts as one.)
2) 1 iPod that had your choice of TEN of your favorite artist. ALL songs/albums by each artist would be available
3) 2 entire series (all seasons) of your top 2 favorite shows of all time
4) 5 of your favorite films
5) 5 of your favorite books
I feel as if these choices you are about to make should define you as a person. But, the real question is this; Why? Why would you choose the things you do? What do they mean to you? Why are they important?
Use this default:
1) Gaming System of Choice #1
a.) game for ^ system
b.) game for ^ system
c.) game for ^ system
d.) game for ^ system
e.) game for ^ system
2) Gaming System of Choice #2
a.) game for ^ system
b.) game for ^ system
c.) game for ^ system
d.) game for ^ system
e.) game for ^ system
3) Your iPod artist list: (10 of your favorites)
4) Your entire series of your favorite show
5) Your 5 favorite films
6) Your 5 favorite books
Also, please list why.
My List:
1) Nintendo 64 -
a.) The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time - The first game that made me say "wow". The first game that made me love games.
b.) The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask - The sequel to the above ^
c.) Star Fox 64 - Very fun game to me. I love the missions.
d.) Goldeneye 007 - The best FPS of all time IMO
e.) Super Mario 64 - A classic game
2) Xbox 360
a.) Dragon Ball: Raging Blast 2 - My favorite fighting game
b.) The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind - IMO the most amazing RPG of all time
c.) The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Need I say more?

d.) Halo: Combat Evolved - Not the "best", but my favorite FPS. Truly an amazing game that holds many many memories with many friends.
e.) Halo: 3 - Just a fun game with again lots of good memories with friends
3) Your iPod artist list: (10 of your favorites)
Dido - This womans beautiful voice is only matched by her beautiful lyrics (which she writes herself)
Tool - Maynard is truly a lyrical genius; Danny Carey is also my favorite drummer
Lil Wayne - I would literally never run out of things to listen to if I had Waynes entire discography. He holds the record for the most songs in recorded history. Over 1500.
Muse - Amazing lyrics. Really good "vibing music".
Mt Eden - The band that introduced me to my favorite genre of music- Dubstep.

Ephixa - My favorite Dubstep artist
Eminem - My favorite rapper. His lyrics are unrivaled in terms of wit and flow
Linkin Park - The soundtrack of my life
ELO - I grew up listening to them in my dads car.

Michael Jackson - The most amazing musician that ever lived
4) Your entire series of your top 2 favorite shows
Star Trek: TNG - I really just love Star Trek.

The entirety of Dragonball Z - I literally grew up watching Akira Toriyamas masterpiece. Extreme sentimental value for me here
5) Your 5 favorite films
Titanic - Just an amazing film
Avatar - A technologically amazing film
Charade - My fathers favorite film as well as mine
The Book of Eli - Visually stunning
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 - Gotta love Harry Potter.

6) Your 5 favorite books