[WIP]Iatrogenesis Society(Quest line-Faction)

Post » Thu Nov 26, 2015 4:51 am

I'm working on a mod that I'm hoping can work on Console as well as PC, but we will see how that works out.
That said...
My original plan and story line currently is being largely re-written, My original assumption was that the Glowing sea was either north east of Vault 111 or closer to the coast, and the maps hard borders being a bit further south and east than I hoped, along with Vault 75 and three different settlements being located on top of locations I had already penciled in, is causing me to rethink a lot of what I'm doing since those locations all basically sit on top of or block off locations I had originally hoped would be available for various reasons.
As for the Quest line itself, one of the Items I am trying to develop is a modified 6 bullet “Volley pistol” then upgrading that over time to a “Volley rifle” I experimented with using the Pipe revolver as a model because I was thinking that I could use the revolver reloading animation for it, but the reload animation causes a crash, (I basically wanted to use a 6x.32e ”Bullet” for it (one “6x.32e bullet” reloading all cylinders as if it was actually putting the bullets in one by one, I think that is the cause of the crash) and similar bullets in 10mm .45 and .44 then 5mm 5.56mm .308 and .50 for later updates to try and keep a limit on it, given that basically you would need to do repeatable quests to get ammo reloads (seriously sniper rifles firing a 6 shot focused volley of .50? Yes I am going to limit that! )
Ironically one of the other bugs I ran into (Feral ghouls in power armor) while completely the opposite of what I had in mind when I tested things out, will be a part of the mod now… but not where they ended up in the mod.
Currently I am on version 0.00.10 for all intents, due to needing to rewrite some of the quest lines for the opening act, and needing to overhaul where I’m going to be putting things.
quest line “The Road…(first act) basically written, tweaks needed due to needing to move the start point, camp and base.
“Coxes army“, Basically written but some assumptions as to how things would be in Boston are forcing adjustments.
“Tv? glada sj?m?n” In need of a functional total re-writ due to content on map,
“…To hell/To Purgatory/and back (want to include something that was a glitch in the first act, mostly any changes in The Road and Coxes army will solve the problems here)
Revolution/Revulsion and
An Apocalypse by any other name….Revelations” Re-write needed
Secret Hells
semper dormientes
Karma is a state of mind.
Just notes and plot outline currently
Dealing with weird glitches and holidays is going to end up with me not being remotely able to put out a beta until at least the official CK is released. assuming a mid January release on that.
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Jeff Turner
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Joined: Tue Sep 04, 2007 5:35 pm

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