Hi, I'm making my own very simple player housing mod for New Vegas, and I would love to have a Nuka Cola machine that is just like the one in My Megaton House, with the list of decisions about doing nothing, getting some ice cold nuka cola, or turning all nuka colas ice cold. I found the script for the original machine, and I understand that there are certain reasons why it doesn't work the same in New Vegas, but I just don't have the energy to teach myself enough coding to understand why it doesn't work. If someone who is familiar enough with writing codes for this to be a simple matter that does not require a great deal of effort, your help would be appreciated. Cheers
scn NukaVendingMachineScript
;The Player can add Nuka-Colas to the machine and have them changed to Ice-Cold Nuka-Colas
;The Player can then dispense them as desired
short Button
short NukasOnMe
short GoNuka
begin OnActivate
if ( IsActionRef Player == 1 )
if ( Player.GetItemCount NukaCola >= 1 )
ShowMessage HD00NukaMachineWith
set GoNuka to 2
elseif ( Player.GetItemCount NukaCola < 1 )
ShowMessage HD00NukaMachineWithout
set GoNuka to 1
begin gamemode
set Button to GetButtonPressed
if ( Button == 0 ) && ( GoNuka >= 1 )
set GoNuka to 0
elseif ( Button == 1 ) && ( GoNuka == 2 )
set NukasOnMe to ( Player.GetItemCount NukaCola )
Player.RemoveItem NukaCola NukasOnMe
AddItem MS05IceNukaCola NukasOnMe
set NukasOnMe to 0
set GoNuka to 0
elseif ( Button == 1 ) && ( GoNuka == 1 )
;Do Nothing
set GoNuka to 0
elseif ( Button == 2 ) && ( GoNuka == 2 )
;Do Nothing
set GoNuka to 0