Ice Form bugissueglitch

Post » Tue May 07, 2013 4:25 am

This is about the shout "Ice Form." I am unable to learn the second and third words to this shout. I learned the first word without any problems (Mount Anthor).
Later on I got to Frostmere Crpyt. I appeared to learn the next word, but it did not show up to unlock. I took that as this word was the third and I had to unlock the second word and this one would open to be learned.
Then, earlier today, I got to the Word Wall in Saarthal. There is the normal audio cues and even some of the sound of the "word absorption", but no lettering is highlighted on the wall. There is no glowing part where you would look to learn the word. The absorption animation that usually begins when you near a wall never occurs. I've gone over each set of characters and waited to see if it would begin. It doesn't.

Looking for suggestions or possible resolutions.
As it is right now I'm just accepting it as "one of them things" that is just broken and can't be fixed. I read it has occured to other platforms and people also. I'm surprised it isn't addressed (posts go back to early 2012)

Just curious if there was a way "around" it. I've tried everything I can think of and essentially given up like I did on Meridia's quest. Gave up on that after falling to my death in the second cutscene 400 times.
It's fairly dissappointing this stuff is still broken.
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Nany Smith
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 6:20 am

disappointing glitch indeed but lucky for you that shout isnt all that important anyway, eh? anyways, 1 thing you may try if you do want this shout so bad, is to load a save prior to learning the 1st word from Mount Anthor, and get the other location's word walls before that 1 it may help but just in case dont hold your breath
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Katy Hogben
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