Ok to answer the OP
You have to decide how you want the cutscene to trigger
In the example you have given you would likely use the results box to start the script - you can run the clip direct from the results box but it requires careful structuring of the conversation - because as soon as you reach the choice which holds the cutscene it will activate right away
I do have a few cutscenes in Veloth's Child which are activated this way - because after the cutscene I want the player to stay in dialogue
Normally I write a script which freezes the player momentarily while the scene plays - and I include the passing of time
So in the dialogue results box I write
StartScript "My_script"
Here's an example script that plays after a conversation.
begin BM_SuranRub; Original script by Illuminielshort statefloat timerif ( menumode == 1 )returnendifif ( state == 0 ) set state to 10ToggleMenus DisablePlayerControls; prevents player action FadeOut 5.0elseif ( state == 10 ) if ( timer < 5.0 ); same time as fade set timer to ( timer + GetSecondsPassed ) return endif set timer to 0; reset for next timePlayBink "BM_Backrub.bik" 0 set state to 20set GameHour to ( GameHour + 5 )elseif ( state == 20 ) FadeIn 10.0ToggleMenusMenuTestEnablePlayerControls ; they can stop panicking nowset state to 30elseif ( state == 30 )Journal BM_Time 10endifend
Compression is a whole different issue - as a rule of thumb 1 sec of video = 1 MB - so 60 sec = 60MB - I've found that the bigger the file the harder it gets for the engine to render it.
After much trial and error the settings I use in Rad Tools are
Compress to a data rate - 450000
Keep peak data rate under a:
specific data rate of 450000
Managing the peak data rate in particular forces the file to stay small - and I generally am able to match the size of the Bethesda files without losing too much quality
Making the video is a completely different topic and there are many specialist sites to go and browse through as to what types of video editing tools and techniques are best.