I've already done this, however as I have also found you can't actually get ALL of the weapons in the game.
If you choose the Wild wasteland trait, you get the alien blaster which is great, but you can never get the ycs gauss rifle. And if you don't choose wild wasteland trait, well vice versa.
Jury rigging is awesome, but not for weapons. Once you've completed dead money you don't really need to repair weapons with weapons. JR is still awesome for repairing expensive armors with cheap/common ones.
I even started displaying my weapons around my L38 pad too, I have a bookshelf full of all the different type of mines/grenades, the plasma ones look kinda cool. (its the bookshelf in the corner of the pool roof so its pretty dark and the glow looks great)
It's great fun trying to collect all of the ones that is possible though, it's just a shame there isn't better shelves/table tops in the L38.
I always have my evil gnome stood next to a regular gnome in the main hall so that table out...