Criminal MindsAh, I see you got my PM then, excellent
Are these several different plots, or are they messages to all the different players?The Manes PropositionIt's time to free ourselves from the shadow of Ya'Trrje and his followers. Many have tried and failed -- those who've survived from their heresy did not not live long enough to tell a tale. His power of influence and deep pockets could possibly be the rue of us all. Still, his mind is tainted in his old age. He's become far too strong for the Mane to control. It was the Mane himself who found me through spies, with a proposition. He would grant a transition of power should I help him bring down the ruthless old Gold Cat. The Mane understands the need for saltrice and skooma; the native product of our successful economy in Senchal. Therefore, he has asked for only the smallest slice of income made from selling the latter. For this, he shall turn a blind eye to our deeds. I've spent hours sending scouts out to search for those willing to ally with the Mane and myself. It's been of little good, for they've been detected and forced to flee for their lives and the sake of the task at hand. I've decided to broaden my search, having redirected my men towards Valenwood and Leyawiin. I believe I've been successful in finding capable souls willing to complete this task set before me by the Mane. May Mother Ahnassi watch over us all.
Blessed Be Ya'TrrjeOur master has reason to believe that a band of local smugglers, lead by an outcast underling of Ya'Trjje, are attempting to overthrow him and take over the smuggling network here in Senchal. We've been tasked with preventing the outcast and his followers from gaining access or establishing any sort of resistance near Senchal. It's believed he's hiding among the villagers and farmers of River Keep.
Our master has yet to give us the order to pillage the settlement and kill this heretic, but his words is law after all. We shall obey. We've also spotted and captured segment of Imperial Legion scouts along the southwestern coast of Elsweyr. There are still a few who remain, determined to seek out and reveal the dealings of Ya'Trrje and bring about the downfall of the Gold Cat's marvellous empire.
We now face two forces of opposition. Perhaps we can bribe these Imperial scouts into tracking down and killing the Gold Cat heretic.
The Everwatchful LegionYet again the Khajiit have proven their lunacy in capturing and perhaps even killing our scouts, deployed along the coasts of Khajiit land. Still, this troublesome act of foolishness hasn't driven Chancellor Ocato to engage the Khajiit in an all-out war just yet. The Chancellor hopes to find a bit of dirt of the Khajiit before adressing the matter openly with the Mane of Elsweyr. Apparently the organization is lead by a Khajiit they call Gold Cat. This seemingly powerful Khajiit has sent word via messenger, who brought with him a letter containing a proposition. He will return my men and so long as I meet him to discuss the deal further. For as long as I can remember, treaties with criminals has been forbidden by the the Code of Imperial Justice(CIJ). However, I believe valuable information may be gained should I meet with the Khajiit. Should the meeting prove fatal, the Legion will undoubtedly attack the Khajiit druglord relentlessly. I'm expected to meet him in two days time, somewhere in the city of River Keep. May Talos Bless us all.
What You'll Be DoingAs for right now, you may play as either a servitor of Ya'Trrje, an Imperial agent, or one of the smuggler/rogue/thief/murderer/ etc... members working for the Mane. I want to take time to flesh out exactly why our smugglers are fleeing and who they'll be fleeing from. This will also give me a chance to see who has what it takes to hang with the rp. All members wishing to join the Mane, you'll begin in Leyawiin, Cyrodiil. I haven't picked an inn yet so give me a moment. Anyone wishing to write as a servitor of Ya'Trrje, you'll begin in the village of River Keep. You've just arrived there, Ya'Trrje is with you and waiting in an empty hut in the center of the village. You're only job as of right now is to protect Gold Cat. Anyone wishing to rp as an Imperial scout, you'll be en-route to River Keep from the city of Tenmar. Having pulled out from the gates of Senchal, you'll be heading north-north east. Your only job as of now is to protect Captain Dumontius as you travel towards River Keep. As of right now, you're at the first fork in the road leading north from Brukriech Bridge. The village of River Keep is barely in sight. I know I said I only wanted two groups, but after Darkom sent me this idea of Ya'Trrje I couldn't resist.
RulesCapital plot, my friend, simply capital
Though I would think the Mane group would be meeting up in Torval, with the Mane, to brief them on their journey. Other than that it looks good, though you might want to smooth out the rough edges of the three messages. I can help you there, if you'd like 
Basic set of rules:
*No spaming, trolling, or flaming
*No character control or killing(Unless properly authorized)
*No uber, omnipotent, characters as well as overly effective weapons and/or armor
*Please don't obsessively use curse words. Censorship bars are the ugliest things I've seen and break the flow of reading
*Romance is acceptable as well as advised(so long as it stays PG-13)
*All decisions will be made by me
*PM all character sheets to me for approval and DO NOT post them. I'll do so myself(Not to point any fingers... Zalphon! Haha)
*Most importantly, enjoy yourselves
*Feel free to constructively criticize one another.(CONSTRUCTIVELY)
*Please, please, please, please, please try not to post one-liners or submit a post saying you're going to be away for a while. Just PM me with the details. I can't stand excessive OOC.
Character Sheet:(Please be descriptive. A lackluster cs will result in a delay of entry. And trust me, I have no problem saying 'No.')
Name(Lore friendly please)
Race (Be specific as far as Khajiit races go. AND NO DAEDRA FOR CHRISTS SAKE!!)
Age(Realistic please)
General Appearance(Description)
Eye Color
Hair Color
Misc Details
Faction(Either The Mane, Ya'Trrje, or the Legion)
Class Description
Weapon(s)(For stealth based characters only)
Misc Items
Short Bio(I don't want a Christopher Paolini's Eragon series long bio. Just make sure it makes sense) :lmao: What?
(Extra Details)