an idea either for future content or for mods

Post » Mon May 20, 2013 12:41 pm

firstly im not sure how many hit points npc enemy vampires have compared to normal npc enemies, but i would like to see their health boosted enough to warrant the roleplaying combat idea of using special poisons and enchantments made just for fighting vampires when in the dawnguard that are garlic or sunlight based. this would allow the player to use something special for these types of entities for roleplaying purposes and imemrsion while not allowing the poisons to become too overpowered. the use of actual stakes for staking sleeping vamps in coffins would be nice too if there arent any already hiding in the game somewhere and i havnt come across them yet...and for the player, once again, i am aware the player gets a bonus to health while in vampire lord form but im noticing my butt still getting kicked more than i would like on normal difficulty compared to me in normal elf form (due to the ability to drink potions on the run in elf form but not able to drink potions in vampire lord form altho vamp lord form does have the health absorb spell which is useful when the enemy isnt running and zigzagging otherwise i end up wasting attacks and not gaining any health and then runnin away before i die) im on normal (adept) difficulty mode. im not sure if this is a common issue or just me, but i was thinkin if its common issue then perhaps have somewhat higher health bonus to the vamp lord. for the record my vamp lord is maxed out as is my werewolf on my other character. i do not get my butt beat near as much in the werewolf form...not sure what the difference really is since werewolf form cant drink potions either...altho its easier for me to run away a minute then come back since werewolf is so fast on his feet....i like how there are silver weapons in the game for werewolves.

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