Alright, perhaps people wouldn't like to pay this or that amount of money for exclusive content, if if it's the price of a mcdonalds value meal. Would you rather pay about 10 dollars for a DLC collection? Houses, Questlines, Characters, Armors, the whole lot. Some stuff the developers thought of and tested for the game. Completely optional, but it would potentially improve your game experience. Sure, they could add it in an update or patch, but it would be better-made if they were selling it. Here's what I mean: I didn't like how the Dark Brotherhood questline ended in Skyrim. Don't get me wrong, I liked the ending, but I would have done things differently. I would have forgiven Astrid and healed her, despite her wishes. I would pay money for a continuation to the Dark Brotherhood Questline where I could save Astrid. Since there are two different ends of the Dark Brotherhood: Decimation by eitnerh the Empire or you personaly, it could still be canon, sort of. And yes, it would be criminal to withold this from the people who only bought the main game, but this is about good content after the main game: expansion packs. Armor, Houses, Questlines and Characters are for smaller DLCs while big landmass additons and new massive factions and questlines as well as all those things listed before would be for the larger 20$ DLCs.