Have an idea for individual player shops (actually posted this first in another thread, giving it its own thread for the sake of discussion). I'm thinking it would be a fun idea to have individual player shops as well as the guild shops, by making them instanced entrances in buildings around the main towns. Feel free to discuss this and add to it if you have any thoughts on the subject.
Basically, if they keep this current guild shop system I'd like to see something like this:
- Instanced shops we can set up in (these instances could be accessed through doors in town areas), people choose which shop instance they walk into when they click on the door to this instanced shop - at this point a dropdown list of all available shops pops up and the person at the door gets to choose which shop he walks into. Players name their shop to attract other players in (someone could name their shop according to the stuff they're selling, or even have a brand name they go under so others could recognise them easier in future).
- The number of shops in any one instance would be capped at some appropriate number (off the top of my head 100 or 200 per door so we don't have pages of shop names to scroll through).
- These instanced shops are available to individuals so they can sell their goods through other avenues than just their guild.
- When you walk into your chosen shop instance things are scattered around looking like a shop, but there's an npc you actually click to buy things off.
- This would make the game feel very old school, while still allowing conveniences like being able to sell to anyone who walks into your store instance, without being limited by only being able to sell to the people in one of your 5 guilds.
- It still feels personal and is still limiting the global price thing because people have to find you by clicking on the door, then also choose to use your shop rather than one of the other instanced shops available through the dropdown list.
Hope I explained my idea well enough, I just think something like that would be cool and would make both the "let's go back to old school MMOs" people happy as well as the "I want things to be convenient and I want access to more markets than just my guild" people happy.