I am really not a fan of the leveling system, firstly forcing you to have a certain SPECIAL in some areas where it really does not make sense (it does in some areas) and more importantly requiring a certain level to be able to advance a skill.
Take lockpicking for example where to get the max perk you need to be level 41, which in practice means that you need to kill a crapload of enemies to be able to master the skill of lockpicking, it does not make any sense. Or take a skill like The Lone Wanderer where you get a bonus if you travel alone, that requires Charisma 3 for some reason that is also totally nonlogical. All in all the leveling system feels very artifical and not very logical at all. It feels very generic and "gamey" in a way, not logical and immersive.
Now I have a much better system in mind that would be much more logical and also more fun I think. The idea is to still have requirements so you can't max out a perk tree by level 4-5, but at the same time make things more logical and less of just having artificial restraints for the sake of it. The idea is that most perks would have a kind of individual requrements to advance it further.
Some examples:
To rank up your lockpicking perk you need to have picked 25 locks, to allow to put it to perk ranking after that you need to have picked 65 locks, and to unlock the master perk ranking you need to have picked 100 locks.
Weapon skills
To be able to level up the Gunslinger perk you need to have killed 50 enemies with guns, to advance it further you need to have killed 150 enemies, etc etc with the other weapon skills
To unock this perk you need to have had serious and prolonged radiation levels for a certain amount of time
etc etc. There is many interesting ways that skill perks could have interesting requrements like this. Also instead of the SPECIAL often locking you out of taking a certain perk, it could be more like the requirement would be much lower the higher you skill are in the area that fits the perk. So because Lockpicking is in the Perseption tree and you have 10 in perception you might only need to pick 10 locks instead of 25 to unlock the first perk level etc.