I got to thinking that with the past hardcoe mod in FONV it can get rather tedious to constantly eat food while on your adventures. Yes, people who are hardcoe enthusiasts loved this as did I. I'm making more of a point that maybe this particular act of eating to stay healthy while in the wastes can be more mainstreamed and offer a variety of fun and entertaining ways to be implemented into the game without being a hardcoe feature. What I was thinking was they should put in a pack in which one stores edible items such as roach leg or something that is edible in these wastes. It would be great if all you had to do before heading out into the wastes is stock that bag with items and over time while out in the wastes you would consume that without actively having to do it. By implementing it is bringing hardcoe into the vanilla aspect which might be a perfect remedy for all who want to have more of a hardcoe wasteland feel, but without investing more time into having to remember other then keeping that bag stocked with food. Also if someone does forget to stock the bag with water and food it might be cool to have them not die or have some crippling really really hardcoe element affect, but rather have abilities reduced. Like aim isn't as good as it was or sprinting isn't as good as it used to be in terms of keeping a long sprint. Things of that nature. It would add a little more realism to the game without truly making the game not fun for casual people who really just want to get on and do other things in their playtime. Also while sleeping the food gets eaten to stay at top notch shape.
I don't remember if there are food items that give boosts to certain attributes, but I think there were and that could also be a cool thing to play on, but I haven't really thought that through yet on how that could be paired with my bag idea.
It's just something I thought of off the top of my head and I thought I would come here to share it.