» Sun Aug 21, 2011 1:45 pm
It wasn't Jason's fault so even if he did assure us to the best of his knowledge and was wrong on the release we really can't blame him. As for BGS and Obsidian. I think the last thing they want is to skip out on getting the money in your wallet. Your assured they want that 9.99.
Read the interview he had with Will on Gamasutra/his blog(He also has one with Avellone, part 3 still to come. A J.E. Sawyer interview incomming aswell telling from Will's post on Sawyers formspring asking for an interview)
One thing Jason does is give on that Lonesome Road will affect Mojave Wasteland. How and if that means new quests, dialogue, new areas/destroyed areas is to be seen.
I'll give a link to save you the trouble: