An Idea of how Vampires and Werewolves Could Have Been Done.

Post » Thu Jun 06, 2013 5:15 am

Like I said in other threads before, werebears are pretty much exclusive to Skyrim and it will be a while before Bethesda makes another game in this province. So if we keep this thread alive maybe be will notice the demand for things like lunar transformations and werebears, and maybe Bethesda will at least include these features in a future DLC even if they're a small part of it or have nothing to do with the main quest of the DLC.
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Aman Bhattal
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Post » Thu Jun 06, 2013 8:12 am

Yeah, I don't get why keep trying to shoot down Lycanthrope improvements in DLC as a retread but keep saying "Flesh out the Civil War/Thalmor/Psijic Order/etc!" Those would be retreads to, to a certain extent.

For the record, I'm not looking for a Lycanthrope-centric DLC like we got in Bloodmoon. I just want these things included in expansions as additional content. Not the focus.

This is a complete aside, but if the next TES game is set in Valenwood, they really need to bring back climbing. I think they should do it anyway, but especially in a place with as many giant trees as that province, I think climbing is a must.
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Mark Hepworth
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Post » Thu Jun 06, 2013 6:00 am

Agreed. I'm also curious on how they are going to handle vampirism and lycanthropy in Valenwood. I guess no vampires that swallow men whole.
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Post » Wed Jun 05, 2013 8:06 pm

Somethings that I would add to Werebeast are sneak bonuses to both, resistance to normal weapons(for Vampires too) and a Bloodlust penalty - losing health and eventual death for not killing and feeding from a humanoid after transforming. I would like to see Vampire Lords taken out all together. They are an unoriginal product of a poorly handled implementation and they provide more confusing questions than answers as well as a few lore inconsistancies in my opinion.
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Amber Ably
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Post » Thu Jun 06, 2013 8:05 am

My opinion on the Vampire Lords is we need to accept them, and Bethesda needs to keep working on implementing them. The lore problems and whatnot need to be dealt with, and I think declaring Dawnguard "non-canon" would cause problems for a lot of people, so Bethesda is unlikely to do it. Best thing to do now is make the most of it, and that means retooling them to be better than what we have now, rather than throwing the baby out with the bath water, even if I could personally do without the baby.
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Post » Thu Jun 06, 2013 3:16 am

I've accepted Vampire Lords as a part of the lore now, but i'm a bit disappointed out of all the things in the game jam they chose something that was completely unrelated to the lore over werebears, which have been in the lore ever since Daggerfall. I'm not saying that I don't like Vampire Lords(vsions did a great job ) , I just wish Bethesda would use/fix their previous lore instead adding more.
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Taylor Tifany
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Post » Wed Jun 05, 2013 11:33 pm

Do you have to be in werewolf form to see the perk tree? You can't be human and in the menu?
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Colton Idonthavealastna
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Post » Wed Jun 05, 2013 7:37 pm

Agreed, and while the Volkihar haven't been around as long as werebears have been, I would have much preferred them as we read in Immortal Blood to have been included in the base game, rather than the copy pasted Cyrodiilic Vampires we got in the base game, or in Dawnguard, rather than the Vampire Lords, as impressive of a job as vsions did in creating them.

From what I've heard, you do. I don't know from personal experience, since Bethesda hasn't released Dawnguard for the PS3 yet.
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Wayland Neace
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Post » Thu Jun 06, 2013 7:42 am

What about the Vampire perk tree? Can you be human or a regular vamp, or do you have to be a vampire lord and in the menu?
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Post » Thu Jun 06, 2013 1:35 am

Must be a vampire lord to see perk tree.
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clelia vega
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Post » Thu Jun 06, 2013 8:18 am

I don't mind the addition of the vampire lord, had they included the Volkihar as well ( either from the start or in the DLC ) I think you vampire lore buffs would have welcomed the vampire lord but seeing how Beth didn't follow their own lore they put themselves under the microscope making everyone look at them " what the??" which lead to discussions like these. Had they added something lore friendly like werebears or the Volkihar ( or both ) the addition of the vampire lord would have been excepted more, that's my thinking anyway. Another thing that bugs me is just how nerfed the werewolf perk tree is , when compared to the perk tree we saw in the game jam video the tree we got is just crumbs thrown into the DLC to keep the werewolf fans happy. It could have been sooOOOOoo much better but they decided to " wing it " just to shut people like me up, because you know I would have been VERY vocal if the vampires got a new power and perk tree and I was left in the dust. Now don't get me wrong the perk tree does make the werewolf form a very viable play style but it could have been better and by better I mean the perk tree we saw in the game jam video.

You need to be in vampire lord form to view it's perk tree and it's the same for werewolves.
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Post » Thu Jun 06, 2013 3:53 am

I just watched the game jam agian and the sheer amount of stuff Bethesda added to Dawnguard raises my hope for werebears.

Here's a list of features that I noticed.
-Water currents in dungeons

-Waygate fast travel

-Epic new mounts(Arkak)
-Ice & fire arrows

-Lycanthropy perk tree
-New vampire feeding animations
-Vampire Lords(obviously)

Also the Lycanthropy perk tree was a fan request along with Dragon bone weapons, crossbows and the face changer.

And here's all the things from the game jam they added through patches
-Mounted combat
-Magic and bow killcams
-Xbox Kinect
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Haley Cooper
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Post » Thu Jun 06, 2013 5:36 am

I know Beth has added a butt load of stuff with the coming of Dawnguard, all I'm trying to do is keep Lycanthrops in the lime light. I know that not everything can be added but at least try and make werewolves the true monsters that they are, I should not have to be cautious around a bandit with an iron sword instead I should be able to walk right up toe to toe with that bandit without any worry because by all rights I should be pretty well immune to normal weapons but severally weak towards silver weapons and daedric weapons. A sneak ability for werewolves would not only make them a very effective hunter but it would also add soooOOOOooo much RP value as well, little things like this would be very beneficial to the werewolf build. Hell the ability to infect my follower alone would make me [censored] my pants with excitement, so I do hope that there are at least some plans on expanding the beast form.
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Post » Thu Jun 06, 2013 5:30 am

Doesn't the vanilla game have water currents?
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Post » Wed Jun 05, 2013 11:39 pm

Not natural looking currents, they all go the same direction in every body of water.

edit : The water currents are about 1:50 minutes into the video, this is what was meant by adding water currents ( I think ).
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Ruben Bernal
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Post » Thu Jun 06, 2013 12:52 am

They added that to all water?

Edit: Wait!!!....there's fire/ice arrows and crossbolts and we change our faces?
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how solid
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Post » Wed Jun 05, 2013 10:26 pm

There's a couple missions in Dawnguard where there's water currents in caves which push you to the next location, I got confused both the water above ground and the water systems in caves where shown in the game jam video, they added the water currents within caves which as I said are present in a quest or two in Dawnguard. We did get enchanted crossbow bolts but not arrows and there was a plastic surgeon add to the Ratway, you go to the pub in the Ratways and she will alter you appearance for 1000 gold.( not race or six just appearance )
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john palmer
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Post » Thu Jun 06, 2013 11:38 am

Awesome thanks for the info! Wonder why they didn't add enchanted arrows instead of just bolts? Does the water current only affect Dawnguard caves or is it for the vanilla game too?
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Emmanuel Morales
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Post » Thu Jun 06, 2013 1:25 am

I haven't noticed a difference in any of the vanilla caves.
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Ross Thomas
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Post » Thu Jun 06, 2013 10:35 am

Maybe they should do a thing when Vampires and werewolves, don't fight but work together to achieve a goal. The King of Worms could call all vampires, draugr, werewolves, witches ect.
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Philip Lyon
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Post » Wed Jun 05, 2013 8:38 pm

Werewolves aren't dead, so it wouldn't fit manamarco's mo.
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Post » Wed Jun 05, 2013 8:49 pm

I personally wouldn't mind if they were considered non-canon but since that probably won't happen, I'm just going to suggest that they remain in the background, like beast legs VS humanoid legs. We should hold on to the lore that has been present for years and not let this lapse of judgement muddy the originality of the Vampires in this series.
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Post » Wed Jun 05, 2013 10:40 pm

Personally, I wouldn't want that, because that's what's going to get people up in arms about werewolves and vampires being cliche as you keep mentioning in other threads. I'd rather they keep the two separate, and have them interact with each other as little as possible. Having members of a faction be a vampire or a werewolf is fine, but having the entire population of both groups working together is something I'd rather not see.

Personally, I'm still holding out for beast legs coming back. I don't really see why it would keep people from having armor/footwear for the beast races, especially now that we have the ability to smith our own gear. If our character's an Argonian, they could just make the armor in the same style of the Argonians. Same with Kahjiit.

Carrots was right, at least with me. I personally wouldn't have minded the Vampire Lords (though I don't imagine I'd be giddy about them either) if they were included in addition to lore-abiding Volkihar. They look like they have some pretty fun abilities (and once I get this game on the PC I'm going to give my vampire Persephone the Vampiric Grip and Bat Form abilities to her human form if possible), but the Volkihar are incredibly original and I'd much rather we have gotten them right away in favor of both the copy pasted vampires from Oblivion and these new Vampire Lords in Dawnguard.

Would it really be that hard to create three different strains of vampirism? They did it in Morrowind. Granted, the differences weren't nearly as robust as what I'm pushing for, but they were still there.
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Post » Thu Jun 06, 2013 6:35 am

dont you kill the king of worms in oblivions mages guild?
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Philip Lyon
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Post » Thu Jun 06, 2013 5:10 am

i have a thread for a future dlc, and this thread was recommended to me, so heres mine.

why don't we make our own dlc
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