An Idea of how Vampires and Werewolves Could Have Been Done.

Post » Wed Jun 05, 2013 10:33 pm

I don't think vampires would join him either, especially since necromancers seem to do experiments on vampires.
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Post » Thu Jun 06, 2013 10:15 am

I agree, the different factions for vampires were amazing in Morrowind. And as to rels ideas, oh yes. I hope Beth is actually reading posts, cause this is too fantastic.
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Farrah Barry
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Post » Thu Jun 06, 2013 7:58 am

Yea, you kill him.
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Post » Thu Jun 06, 2013 3:50 am

He could probably just control them, and make them do his bidding though.
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Post » Thu Jun 06, 2013 12:27 am

Does anyone think that there is alot of immersion that could of been added to improve werewolves I think the new perk tree was a step in the right direction but I mean small things. The coolest thing for me was when NPC's would comment on me having hair growing from my ears after I contracted Lycanthropy.

Here were some small ideas I had.

  • You can tell when other people are werewolves even when in human form(maybe they will have a yellow tint around their eyes or something).
  • Wolves would not attack you even in human form(Maybe you can even make one your pet!)
  • Better interaction with NPC's, seriously so annoying having EVERYONE attack you when you turn, you are a [censored] werewolf civilians should be booking it for there homes, Guards shouldn't charge to attack you on sight only if you approach town to close(like they can draw there swords and will look at you as you circle the town exit maybe), don't have a bounty placed on you just for being a werewolf maybe the people in the hold will acknowledge you as a werewolf though if you get caught transforming(like they glare at you and maybe mumble if you come around).
  • Please let non-companions contract lycanthropy. This wouldn't be to unplausable, like if you want to seek a cure you could be directed to the companions who "have much field experience and who may be able to help you in the right direction". Maybe it can be the Sanis Lupius strand to wild werewolves that offers the same benefits but forces transformation from maybe 11:00pm to 8:00pm. Offer a new potion at alchemist shops that can stunt a transformation for that night should something need to be done, perhaps should the potion were off between 10:00-8:00 you will be transformed even if taken before 11:00.
  • Make it so your spouse won't attack you if you are a werewolf(as well as others such as housecarls, etc), this along with guild members that you are the leader of(or of high rank) as only the DA, TG, and Companions do not attack you in werewolf form you would think the college would be interested in it.
The Silver Hand:
Add some changes to the Silver Hand, they were just bandits basically who hunted werewolves. I mean they are werewolf hunters and they dress in light armor. I mean even Iron Would make sense, but the upper echelons would seem more paladinish. Steel Armor with Warhammers, anti-werewolf specific abilities(like an Aura that hurts werewolves).

Another idea is if you have transformed in public and have gotten away you will get a "known werewolf status" and the Silver Hand will attempt to ambush you from time to time.

  • NPCs may still comment on how he/she "smells like a wet dog." or "Is that fur... coming out of your ears?" and "I find your wolfish grin...unsettling." even after being cured.
  • Sinding still has alot of bugs that need to be fixed, also why is it when he talks to you even in werewolf form he sounds normal, give him a more bestial tone.
Small Stuff:
  • If seen in werewolf form around the hold maybe it can trigger certain dialogue from the guards that lasts for a few days. "Saw a werewolf with my own eyes.", "Saw a werewolf circling the town last night", "Seen any werewolves?". These lines can be overwritten if the werewolf approached the town to close and triggered the town guards to attack. "A werewolf came close to the town I had to keep it away from the people". "Be careful traveler there is a werewolf in the wilderness somewhere".
Thats off the top of my head anyone else?
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Post » Thu Jun 06, 2013 9:21 am

The werewolves imo..after they got their perk tree are perfect...allows you to RP your character appeasing Hircine so he'll grant you upgrades much like how it worked in Bloodmoon based on how many people you kill and eat and "sacrifice" to Hircine...also since The Companions aren't traditional werewolves, they were tricked into it thus making them unique werewolves since the witches gave them the disease/curse/infection/gift directly from Hircine which is probably how Bethesda will explain why they don't turn only during full moons and why they can turn at will.

Either way you please Hircine.

The Vampires...are just sad.
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Greg Cavaliere
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Post » Thu Jun 06, 2013 7:22 am

That's great, BUT some of us want normal werewolves that have forced lunar transformations, and Bethesda could balance them with the Companions strain by making these werewolves have abilities in human form as well.
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Jeneene Hunte
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Post » Thu Jun 06, 2013 7:34 am

The Companions are no different than any other Werewolves. The only thing that is different is the method in which they were infected. Everything else can be attributed to poorly handled gameplay mechanics. Nothing more.
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Post » Thu Jun 06, 2013 4:11 am

You are right and wrong, yes it was a poor gameplay design because they didn't want lunar transformations to cause problems, but they did add lore as to why the Companions do not have lunar transformations. It is said in game that they went to the Glenmoril Witches to gain the power of Lycanthropy, and it is a special strain because they were given the power by magic, not being infected.
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Post » Wed Jun 05, 2013 10:14 pm

The Companions didn't contract sanies lupinus the werewolves disease, Kakistos.

They were basically tricked by the witches with promises of power to become werewolves which they weren't ever told that is what it was, they were merely told if they served Hircine (they suspected it would only be a temporary thing) they would become Gods among men and what not and as such they accepted the witches offer and it tainted their blood, which explains why you have to drink Aela's blood to become one of them rather than get bit or scratched and contract Sanies Lupinus like in Morrowind's Bloodmoon.

You could say The Companions are true..or pure werewolves since they got it directly from Hircine even though they believe they were tricked..through the Glenmoril Witches magic while the other werewolves and werebeasts are merely created from a bite or scratch being its a disease.

Much like the Vampires believe purebloods (Vampires who got the gift directly from Molag Bal) are true Vampires and those who are infected by the disease are accidents or thin bloods/half bloods.

It would be cool if they still had sanies lupinus as a contractable disease from the random werewolves in the wilds..that were added with Dawnguard though...oh and it would have been even better if they made the random werewolves look more like the Bloodmoon a player can tell the difference between a Companion werewolf and some poor sod who happens upon you on the road.

Makes me wonder if Hircine favors The Companions, his true hounds you could say since he technically personally made them...over the run of the mill disease created/lunar transformation bound werewolves?

Saying The Companions are no different than the average Werewolf is like saying a Pureblooded Vampire is no different than a thin-blood vampire in this case.
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Joe Bonney
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Post » Thu Jun 06, 2013 2:40 am

We don't know the extent of the ritual or how they became werewolves, but becoming a werewolf is the same for most. Whether by drinking werewolf blood(Daggerfall or Skyrim) or getting scratched(Daggerfall and Bloodmoon).

"The surest way to pass on the disease is for the victim to drink the blood of the lycanthrope. (alchemist's name) will ask no questions and tell no tales at your strange request."-Daggerfall.

I doubt the werewolf's appearance in Skyrim has anything to do with how they were turned. In the ingame books, werewolves are said to be all shapes and sizes and fur colors.

A person can be a werewolf through birth. This was confirmed in Daggerfall, so there's a pureblooded werewolf for you. We can't associate pureblooded vampires and werewolves because the Daedric Princes are different. Sure, a vampire can be "pureblooded" by being turned by Molag Bal, but vampires hardly can be born naturally, unlike werewolves.

I'm not a fan of seeing different werewolf strains. It was better when one could contract the curse/gift/divine disease through hereditary reasons, accidental or on purpose rather than "these are the best of the best because they're the best."

While my two characters in lore haven't been "turned", per se, I still don't think the Companion werewolves are the biggest baddies around, unless a new DLC says otherwise.
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Post » Thu Jun 06, 2013 9:01 am

Kodlak and skjor tell you how The Companions became werewolves, "The Companions are thousands of years old..but the beast blood has cursed us for only a few hundred" what Kodlak If I recall said then he tells you the Witches tricked The Companions as I said.

Kinda sad..The witches tricked a kind hearted/short sighted Companion who wanted more power in order to protect Skyrim better into cursing every Companion who was in the circle, something The Companion didn't anticipate.

I would recommend talking to Kodlak about it when he sends you on a special quest =P

Meh, it just seems The Companions are superior to the other werewolves though.

They become stronger based on how many people/creatures they kill and eat while other werewolves have to go on deadly quests for Hircine to gain upgrades. (See Bloodmoon quests)

They can turn into a WW whenever they wish though as the loading screens hint..they prefer night time for obvious reasons while the other werewolves are bound to the moon.

They don't HAVE to kill a humanoid everytime they turn while the average werewolf has too or when they turn back they are in a state of near death.

Negatives I guess is...The Companions are able to remain a WW long as they continue to eat creatures/humanoids but if they don't it only lasts 5 minutes (The sole negative..I think) while the average werewolf stays a werewolf all night but turn back during the day..near dead if they don't kill a humanoid.

Seems like Hircine made living as a werewolf easier for The Companions.

Just my opinion though.
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Post » Thu Jun 06, 2013 5:03 am

I realize that, it still doesn't change the fact that they became werewolves through ritual pacts. It doesn't mean they are "pureblooded", and they might have an edge over other Lycanthropes, but their size and color aren't unique among werewolves. The ones in Daggerfall were big, brown and buff.

I know the story, I played the quests many times and watched the videos more than I should have. The fact that they kill people to gain powers can be attributed to gameplay. We didn't have a werewolf perk tree in Bloodmoon or Daggerfall. But in Bloodmoon, when you kill a person, you get boosts and greater natural powers such as heal instantly rather than having to bite down on a person now and then.

They can turn into their werewolf form at will, yes, but so can regular werewolves. Sinding, a werewolf who is implied to be influenced by the moons, turns at will in his jail cell to escape. In Daggerfall, werewolves have the option to shift into wolf form twice a day and turn back at will. They also have lunar transformations. So they aren't that different from the Companions.
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Post » Thu Jun 06, 2013 7:55 am

I edited my post so much while you were replying. D= lol

I didn't play Daggerfall so I didn't know that, not very many lets plays of it either sadly, the few that do exist don't ever explore into the Vampire or Werewolf side of the game, the complain it ruins the game..much like most of the Bloodmoon lets players whine that becoming a Werewolf is a waste of time..then they rage when they find out the quests buff the werewolf form (I read you can become a Vamp and WW though in daggerfall..which still has me wondering how they worked in that game, I have seen the cutscenes for them =P

Did play Morrowind though.

Oh and I just assumed Sinding became a werewolf because of the cursed ring of hircine..which in my mind made sense since all your items become unequipped when you become a werewolf and the ring isn't take-offable in your normal/human form, only comes off when you turn into a WW so I just as I said assumed my character just picked the ring up off the floor when sinding turned into a werewolf because of the cursed ring.
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Post » Wed Jun 05, 2013 8:54 pm

Whats the story behind your avatar, anyway?

About Sinding, well, he wanted the ring to gain control over his transformations. But he stole it, so Hircine threw a curse on it.
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Post » Wed Jun 05, 2013 7:10 pm

Meh its just a funny image I chose to use, why?

Yeah, that goes to show you though, he didn't have control over his transformations like The Companions did, he needed the ring to do it but instead of earning it like a good hound of Hircine he stole it and that didn't please the master so he caused the ring to make sinding transform at random times rather than only under the moonlight, one being after you finish speaking to him... =P
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Post » Wed Jun 05, 2013 11:13 pm

The ring does do that to Sinding, but when he escapes he transforms at will because you now have the ring. Also I don't think Sinding was in werewolf form when he killed the girl, am I the only one that thinks this?
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Post » Thu Jun 06, 2013 1:09 am

The ring is un-takeoffable in human/normal form as I said previously, it only comes off when you turn into a WW which leads me to believe, he turns into a WW after you finish talking to him because of the cursed ring, the ring falls off and your character picks it up and sinding escapes, a reason why he didn't leave the ring when he transformed before could be because he had hopes he could redeem himself to Hircine because he wanted the true ring so he'd be able to control his transformations.
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Post » Thu Jun 06, 2013 11:29 am

No reason. I think it is comical, too.

The Companions don't have that much control either. Vilkas complains about still feeling the Call of the Blood, which we believe it is the urge to hunt and transform. Besides, Aela even was surprised that the player was able to "come back" after the first transformation, meaning they don't have as much control as it may seem. Farkas can turn into a werewolf and back a few seconds later as he did in the first Silver Hand quest, but werewolves in Daggerfall can do it too. It all comes down to willpower, how they are able to cope with Lycanthropy and how they are able to survive the life-changing ordeal. They might have different abilities(bloodlust), but they are still carnivorous monsters.

I suppose the only level of control they really have is resisting to attack another person who isn't a werewolf, as Aela did in the Underforge. But most often times, the Beast inside them wholly dominates them. This has been said many times in Daggerfall, mentioned in Bloodmoon, and and in Skyrim it is spoken a few times. Basically, they have an alter ego, an animalistic counterpart. It is why some of them are always confused, beffudled and at times even go insane. Because their urges dictates what they should do and not do. A good example is how Aela described some werewolves going feral; the wolves in the Silver Hand cages or the lunatics you find running around in Bloodmoon. Another example is Sinding killing the girl out of the urge to attack her because she pretty much looked like a fresh piece of meat, a rabbit, per se.
I think he might have been in werewolf form, but he might have shifted since he tore the girl up pretty badly. I mean, they can do some damage in human form, but the way her father described it, she was in pieces. Additionally, Sinding mentioned how he felt weaker in his human form compared to his lupine form. No claws, teeth for chewing cud, etc.
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Post » Thu Jun 06, 2013 7:14 am

He gives you the ring and then transforms, and plus you agree to take the ring from him, so I am sure that would allow him to give the ring up if someone else agreed to take the curse. And my reason for believing he is human when he attacks the girl is because how would the guards know it was him who killed the girl? The guards ask you what that mad man said and stuff like that so I don't think they would say that if they knew he was a werewolf. Plus he says he could feel the animal inside of him stronger than ever. So I think he lost control and attacked her.
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Post » Thu Jun 06, 2013 9:39 am

By the way, I suspect The Companions due to how they became werewolves "smell" differently than other werewolves too non-companion werewolves since in normal and even in werewolf form I get attacked by random werewolves on the roads.

Though I know 100% all werewolves too non-werewolves smell like a wet dog no matter how many times you go swimming and change clothes/armor..the guards keep telling me.

I guess The Companions are..unnatural werewolves to other werewolfies?

Or Bethesda just forgot to code the random werewolves as friendly to a werewolf character, I like my explanation better though.
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Post » Thu Jun 06, 2013 7:46 am

Supernatural creatures can detect each other. Harkon knows you are a werewolf just by the smell, as Serana can tell if you are a vampire before opening her eyes in the tomb. Arnbjorn also knows you are a werewolf. As far as the guards saying something, well, your basically a man/woman who turns into a canine. By all means, no one should smell as a human.

Funny thing is, I never got attacked by other werewolves in beast form. I unlocked the wolves from the cell, sneaked away until I wasn't detected. Then I wolfed out and they didn't attack me at all. Same reason why wolves won't attack you in wolf form.

Now, if your in normal form then turn in front of them, they attack.
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Post » Thu Jun 06, 2013 4:57 am

Ahhh that explains it.

I suspected they wouldn't attack you even in your normal form since they should be able to smell you are a werewolf but oh well.
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Natalie Harvey
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Post » Thu Jun 06, 2013 1:02 am

But Aela says they went feral, therefore it doesn't matter if they smell you are a werewolf. Also with Dawnguard don't werewolves attack you anyway, even if you are in werewolf form.
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Post » Thu Jun 06, 2013 2:19 am

I asked W&V that and he says they don't attack you if you go up to them in werewolf form, if you go up to them in normal form and transform like I did they do.

I'm gonna go exploring around Falkreath again in WW form at night, clearing out caves and such and eating anything and everything that lives in sight and see if I happen upon other werewolves later.
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