An Idea of how Vampires and Werewolves Could Have Been Done.

Post » Wed Jun 05, 2013 8:19 pm

Hi everyone! Did you miss this thread?

Let's continue our discussion of how vampires and werewolves could have been improved for Dawnguard. You can read the original thread, but just in case you don't feel like doing that, I've taken the liberty of including the original post below.
And the second thread
But why stop there? There's even more content in the third thread, which you can read
And if you really want to read absolutely everything that's been said about this before, the fourth thread is

So let the discussion continue!?

Original Post from Original Thread:??

Hello everyone?

As most of you know, several people, myself included, have complained at length about how vampires and lycanthropes were handled in Skyrim. The lack of significant drawbacks made playing either of them lackluster, little more than a slight boost in abilities, rather than the mixed blessing/curse they should have been. Dawnguard improved some things, such as making werewolves more viable at higher levels with the new perk tree, but I can’t help but feel for all that it apparently did right, there are still some massive oversights and baffling design decisions that hurt it, in regard to both vampires and lycanthropes.?

?That got me thinking, what would be a better way of addressing these abilities in Skyrim, as well as future games? After thinking about it for quite a while, I have drafted the following ideas that I feel would be a better system for Skyrim’s vampires and lycanthropes than what we currently have. Some of these ideas will be familiar, as I have stated them in various threads throughout my time here, but I figured it was high time to pool all of those posts together to create a concentrated thread about them, rather than juggling 30 conversations across various threads.?

So let’s start with vampires. Specifically with the Cyrodiilic strain of vampires. We’ll start here because of their backwards feeding mechanic. You get stronger the less you feed, at the cost of your ability to blend in.??

Cyrodiilic Vampires

Non Cyrodiilic Vampire Feeding Mechanic?


Vampire Lords?

Vampire Summations?


So there you have it. My ideas for how vampires and lycanthropes should have been done for Dawnguard. Maybe some of this will be implemented in later DLCs, but I’m not exactly holding my breath about it.??What are your guys’ thoughts??

EDIT: Forgot to add that both Vampires and Lycanthropes would continue to have disease immunity, while the vampires also held onto their poison immunity.?

?EDIT EDIT: I feel I need to emphasize this point. The above thoughts are what I feel should have been implemented rather than what we got in Dawnguard. Pointing out what Dawnguard has largely established is pointless in arguing against these points because this is about what I feel should have been done instead. You're free to point out what things you think work in Dawnguard but remember that these ideas were largely a retrospect, looking at the baffling design and story mistakes Bethesda made with its new DLC, and what I feel they should have done instead.??

EDIT EDIT EDIT: The following is Werewolf&Vampire's hypothesis as to how the current vampire design decisions came about. Posted with permission. You can read the full thread
Altering Werewolf/Vampire appearance:

Vampire Lords and Lycanthropic Followers:
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Post » Thu Jun 06, 2013 10:26 am

Good to see this thread back! I agree with everything here! The hypothesis section seems a bit jumbled up though.
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Jacob Phillips
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Post » Thu Jun 06, 2013 11:20 am

Whoops. Fixed that for you.

Yeah, life kinda got away from me for a bit, and I fell behind on keeping this thread current and up to date. Figured it was about time to bring it back, with some new info. I'll try to add more once I work out some more ideas, and talk to some people to see if they're okay with me including some of their ideas here. I'm also going to look through the old threads and see if there's some great gems I should post on the main post with credit to the original posters.

Basically, I have to do some house keeping and updating, but I felt I should just get this thing back up and running first. There's been a few changes made so far, but nothing too major.
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Post » Thu Jun 06, 2013 10:52 am

I missed this thread, I hope Bethesda sees this thread when they come creeping on here.
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Post » Thu Jun 06, 2013 9:27 am

I would have liked it if they added, more than one clan like they did in Morrowind. In Dawnguard there is only one vampire clan you are allowed to join, which is a disappointment. Bethesda also could have added more than one strain of vampirism. I will list below what they vampires overall should have gotten imo.


I never really played as a werewolf which I why I have less stuff for it.
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Post » Thu Jun 06, 2013 4:27 am

I missed this thread, I was wondering when it'd be back up. I really wanted to see boosts to human form instead of only in beast form. I totally agree with the OP though, I hope Beth takes it into consideration.
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Charles Weber
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Post » Wed Jun 05, 2013 7:42 pm

Hey REL_Dovahkin, I don't know if you have seen the mod for Skyrim Tales of Lycanthropy, but you should check it out, and see if you find any of that interesting.
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Post » Thu Jun 06, 2013 3:48 am

Yay the thread is back
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Post » Thu Jun 06, 2013 7:49 am

Updated the first post to include some stuff about Vampire Lord (or just ordinary vampires as well) and Lycanthropic followers, largely focusing on how they should handle transformations and increased dialogue options.

Thanks for the recommendation. I'll be sure to check it out in the near future. Probably later tonight.
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Post » Thu Jun 06, 2013 7:54 am

I'd suggest the better vampires and Belua Sanguinare mod as well.
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Elle H
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Post » Thu Jun 06, 2013 1:03 am

(Probably already mentioned) I wish they could have 'true' beast blood. At least upgrade yourself to being a 'true' werewolf.
I like the companions but...the questline wasn't as stellar as I originally thought and pretty much afterwords...nothing. You get a few radiant missions and the totem thing but I'd like to at least be able to clear out Silver Hand forts or meet Silver Hand assassins or something.

I've even made a situation on getting lycanthropy.
Courier: I have a letter for you. Its from your brother/sister.
"Brother/Sister, I wish to speak with you to discuss certain matters. Meet me at name of place during the *date* of *month*. All will be explained. -Brother/Sister.

Dovakiin approaches *place*, men women and wolves emerge (sort of like Vulpes Inculta and the Legionaires in Nipton from Fallout:New Vegas) with your 'brother/sister' the last to appear.
Alpha: Good evening my *sister/brother*, I see you received my message, that is good. There are things we must discuss before our time is up....

Eventually leading the Dovakiin to find out they're a pack of wolves who traveled from Solstheim searching for potential packmates and new territory. They inquire about your strange scent/blood after a few conversations the moons change them leaving you to ponder your discussion. After searching for them, the leader will ask you to perform tasks, some quests with them to test your prowess and abilities leading up to being able to join the pack thus (maybe) doing more quests/hunts etc etc...
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Post » Wed Jun 05, 2013 9:41 pm

It was. Didn't go into having a separate guild for them (though I'd love for there to be one, the Companions just don't do it for me), but one of the main things about werewolves was having the Companions' variant and a more standard variant and allowing players to choose which one they wanted.
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Post » Thu Jun 06, 2013 6:04 am

I agree they definitely need to have a werewolf "guild", but make it more of like a tribe kind of thing that worships Hircine, you could have quests that involve searching out other werewolves to join the tribe, or if a werewolf encroaches on your the tribes territory they send you to deal with it, stuff like that. I would also like to see Bethesda implement a werewolf or two that is "pureblooded" because I would like to see if they have any extra, or enhanced abilities from regular werewolves. And by pureblooded I mean born with the disease rather than being bitten, and are there any other ways of being a pureblooded werewolf?
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Felix Walde
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Post » Thu Jun 06, 2013 4:33 am

We only are aware of being born with the disease. And it is only mentioned in Daggerfall.
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Nikki Hype
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Post » Thu Jun 06, 2013 2:35 am

Interesting, I wish they would elaborate on werewolves a little more, like with the pureblooded thing, and couldn't Hircine directly give you the disease and that would technically make you pureblooded? I doubt he would do that because that isn't like him, but isn't it possible?
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Post » Wed Jun 05, 2013 11:03 pm

It would be somewhat different. Those born with Lycanthropy are pure in the sense that they were never bitten.
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Franko AlVarado
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Post » Wed Jun 05, 2013 11:17 pm

I think it would be awesome if there was a tribe or pack of werewolves living in the areas between Whiterun, Falkreath, and the Rift. The forest and mountains would provide the pack plenty of places to hide, and the high traffic (lore wise anyway) of the Whiterun Plains would also provide them with plenty of food.

It'd be cool to either live in a community made up entirely of werewolves, and there's two ideas I have for how they could be. One would be a lot like the Orc Strongholds: A walled off community about the size of Falkreath that does limited business with the outside world, but whose entire population consists of werewolves.

Or, they could live up in the mountain caves, and have the entire pack living more like animals than humans. The cave would consist of an elaborate network of tunnels, and have a "Proving Ground" on a plateau area above the rest of the tunnels (this could also be used for religious ceremonies such as weddings, funerals, offerings to Hircine, etc). Wolves would also live in these caves, and could be used as followers in place of the dogs.

Obviously, the head of the pack(s) would be an Alpha werewolf of sorts, and it'd be interesting if we weren't forced to become the new Alpha, either because he doesn't die, you convince him to appoint someone else, or because you never challenge him to be the new leader. It'd be interesting if succession came not out of just completing the questline, but by having a match with either the current Alpha, or another werewolf who wanted to be the Alpha. It could make for an interesting boss fight, especially if how you handled victory (either sparing the old Alpha or the challenger, or killing them as proof of your strength) affected your relationship with many of the pack members, including opening up different potential mates depending on your choice (though the others might still be persuadable through other means). It'd also be neat if you could make your spouse a werewolf, especially if that immediately made them a follower regardless of whether or not they already were (pun!) prior to being turned.

EDIT: ThatArgonianBadass has a discussing a new beastform for Alpha Werewolves, similar to Vampire Lords. Personally, I'm not sure there's a need for a new form for it, as I think the concept of an Alpha is less about the form you take than it is the power of your Beast Form, so it wouldn't really be a new transformaiton so much as it would be a social construct, as it is in real life. I think there should definitely be perks for being the Alpha, including possibly allowing you to magnify all of your the perks you have a couple more times (150% damage in werewolf form, 300+ health and stamina boost upon transforming, call 2 more werewolves [real, not spectral] when you howl, strengthen your fear and detect life howls, etc.), but I don't think a new form is really needed.
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Post » Wed Jun 05, 2013 11:30 pm

I like your ideas here a werewolf tribe like the orc strongholds sounds better to me though. I also agree with you that an Alpha wolf would be cool, but it shouldn't be a new transformation just extra buffs like you said. I also think it would be cool if they made it so that when you transform there is an area effect that causes most NPCs to run in fear because how realistic is it that enemies continue to attack you when you start to transform

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Post » Wed Jun 05, 2013 8:23 pm

I love both of these mods, though I think Better Vampires edges out for me because I can actually turn NPCs, last time I used Belua I didnt see a way to do that
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Post » Wed Jun 05, 2013 11:13 pm

I think the Belua Sanguinare mod is a bit more creative and expansive in terms of powers and abilities, but I like the ability to customize things with the Better Vampire mod. Belua Sanguinare has the problem I have with other mods and vanilla Skyrim: I don't see why you'd become weaker and weaker to sunlight the more powerful of a vampire you are.
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Alan Cutler
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Post » Thu Jun 06, 2013 1:57 am

Yea I feel the same but the shear amount of customization for Better Vampires, plus though its updated frequently and I'm sure I'm doing something to cause it Belua acts much more wonky on me than Better Vampires especially when a new patch drops
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Post » Wed Jun 05, 2013 8:08 pm

I like your thinking, a 30-40 second window where everyone in close proximity of you as your changing flees in fear. The Alpha werewolf could have been implemented in the new perk tree, once you filled it the very last perk being either an Alpha werewolf or werebear, and the idea of werewolf strongholds just sounds awesome!! Clans of werewolves dotted around the map. I think there was so much opportunity lost with Dawnguard, all of this could have been included into the DLC, werebears for example, could have been introduced through Gunmar he just screams werebear. The wild werewolves could have been used for the true form of Lycanthropy and give the ability to infect the player with it allowing for forced lunar transformations. I hope Beth hears and listens to us and throws us a little something,something in the next DLC or as a separate smaller DLC along the lines of horse armor.
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Post » Thu Jun 06, 2013 7:14 am

I remember a mod detailing that. Once you transform lower level enemies automatically flee in fear.
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Post » Wed Jun 05, 2013 9:42 pm

It would be really great to see more things added to the supernatural things in Skyrim, though I do worry that we won't. Dawnguard was there best bet to add these things, and I think that they won't do anymore stuff for it because people will complain that it's too much of a retread/repetitive/what-have-you. They really should have held off on releasing Dawnguard until October, and used the extra time to go bigger and better.
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Post » Thu Jun 06, 2013 6:39 am

YES!!!! Around the same time that The walking dead series restarts But I'm of the same mind, I think the opportunity has come and gone ( Dawnguard ) and Beth missed out.We shouldn't give up though, stuff could always be added with a smaller DLC like the horse armor from Oblivion. I would most certainly pay $5-$10 for a little Lycanthrop themed DLC, something that adds to existing mechanics and perhaps adds a couple little quests or something.

If your a Nord you can bark out the Battle cry before changing for the same effect but I want them running in fear all because of my transformation
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