So yea I had this idea for a survival Rp. I don’t know if anyone here is but I am a massive fan of the Far Cry series and I took inspiration from Far Cry 3. This is not yet a fully fleshed out idea yet, there is groups on the island, they are all after the same goal, I have yet to decide what this goal is. We will be stranded on the island, we will all be there for our own means but circumstance draws us together, the groups on the islands don’t like outsiders or even the un affiliated island dwellers and will kill us without a moments thought. There are other people on the island despite us and the groups, the island dwellers don’t trust outsiders but at the same time won’t kill us, the groups of the island usually kill them or enslave them. Like I said we are all there for our own means, but find that we can’t do it alone. I would also be looking for a Co-Host, someone experienced.