An RP idea I'd like your opinion on

Post » Tue May 28, 2013 8:33 pm

The son of Ulfric. It's an idea I've had for a while and am hoping to put into practice soon. I think it would be interesting to see skyrim from the perspective of it's future "high prince" (is that the correct title?) and eventual High King. There are a few points I'd like advice on:
1. What should I call him? What would Ulfric name a kid? I had considered naming him after one of the great Nord kings like Olaf or Borgas but what do you guys think?
2. Who should he marry? Does anyone know a good female Redguard marriage candidate?(the idea being that marrying a Redguard would cement an alliance between the stormcloaks and Hammerfell) Or maybe the smiths assistant in the scaal village?
3. A good RP explanation for why Ulfric treats him like any other soldier[spoiler] sending him to serpent stone island ect.[spoiler/] and why the common people don't recognise him.
Thanks in advance for your replies.
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Rudy Paint fingers
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Post » Tue May 28, 2013 6:27 pm

1) Not sure on the name. Maybe something a Proud Nord would be named.

2) No one Specific, but many Nords around.

3) If you want, you could do something Like Martin, an Illegitimate son of Ulfric that only he Knows about but does not want to alert anybody to the presence of, so treats him like a stranger/regular soldier.

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Post » Tue May 28, 2013 7:48 pm

1. Olaf

2. Ulfric would want his son to marry a nord

3. Secret son. Bastard if you will, though that would make his claim on the throne illegitimate

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Kayleigh Williams
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Post » Wed May 29, 2013 7:00 am

You have failed. Figure the case/errand and the reason by yourself, but for some reason his trust on you was misplaced. So Ulfric told you to join in Stormcloak army just like any other commoner and you need to proof yourself before he calls you his son again.

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Post » Tue May 28, 2013 7:01 pm

Ulfric would treat his son as any other soldier because that's how a true leader behaves. A man like Ulfric would not place his blood above his men and would put his son to go through the same trouble everyone else does. A true Nord has to earn his fame, and Ulfric if anyone would know this.

I don't think you should marry anyone but a Nord. It would show a bad example to Stormcloak cause if the Jarl's son thought Nord women weren't good enough for him.

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Post » Wed May 29, 2013 8:43 am

I like this one. Thanks for the help
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Jay Baby
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Post » Wed May 29, 2013 9:47 am

First off you may find this interesting for research:

1) I could not find anything pertaining to a 'family' name, so I suppose any manly Nord name would do.

2) I just can't see Ulfric's son marrying a Redguard. That would mean that their child would be Redguard, which would basically end the line of Nord rulers which we know is Ulfric's goal. I just can't ever see this happening.

However, if you are on the PC I would add Saadia to the Marriage faction using the console and marry her. Since she's supposed to be a Noble this could make sense (assuming her story is true).

3) Bastard child (or Love child, whichever you prefer). Think of Alistair in Dragon Age Origins.

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Post » Wed May 29, 2013 7:15 am

To keep him legit how bout this; Ulfric married when he was away at war ( the wife being either a fellow soilder or healer) he thinks , for whatever reason that she died ( makeup a reason) but she's gotten away, finds out she is pregnant, has a really bad pregnancy and dies in childbirth (happens).

Boy is "adopted" by a couple who waite til he is xx old to tell him who his parents are ( they really don't know just see the names on the marriage cert. . . If Skyrim has those lol) or maybe a letter "Mom" wrote before she died and a specific peice of jewlery that Ulfric would know, maybe he gave it to her.

That keeps him legit and would be a reason no one knows about him, Ulfric wants him to "earn the respect of the Stormcloaks" before they find out who he is, reason Ulfric doesn't accknowledge him.
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Post » Tue May 28, 2013 8:03 pm

1 Eric the Nord.

2 An Imperial just to annoy his dad.

3 He is suspiciously Redguard in some of his facial features with an un Nord like dusky skin and a striking resemblance to a Redguard diplomat know as Big red three legs the womaniser.

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